Close friends ignoring me after launching my business and I don't understand why?

It's the craziest thing. I've ramped up to the big launch of my creative business. Things are going well even though I'm in the early stages.

Since then I've had friends who I've known for years and whose businesses I've supported do the following:

  • Unfollow me
  • Ignoring my texts
  • never asking me how things are going
  • Ignoring me and all my content when they were supportive at first

When I was struggling they were there and vica versa. Now things are very slowly coming together they are acting like I did them something. I know I'm supposed to focus in myself and my goals but people need friends too. It's getting a bit lonely.

Close friends ignoring me after launching my business and I dont understand why?
Close friends ignoring me after launching my business and I don't understand why?
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