Is anyone else steeling themselves for Thanksgiving with a bitch of a stepmother?

Seems to get great delight out of picking on me, I don't want to cause a big drama again like last Christmas by putting her in her place. It created a bad vibe last year and of course she played the victim. Of course I want good enough for her son. She always mocking my height, my ginger hair, my weight, my accent, my cooking, my cleaning, my child rearing etc and has quite a few times in front of me deliberately mentioned how well a few of my husband's exes (one an athlete, another a model, another a lawyer) were doing and how pretty one of them was. A while back she casually mentioned that it was a shame I was so uneducated compared to everyone at table and got offended when I pointed out that I have 6 GCSEs, 3 A levels, 2 BTECs, a 2 NVQs and others all before I was 18 while dancing & playing in a few sports teams and had gotten into Queens, Trinity and Leeds Universities with and a couple of American colleges, while all she has is a high school diploma which means she has a piece of paper confirming she attended an American school until she was 18 & flunked out of community college. She was quiet the rest of the evening. My mother has warned me in the past not to allow myself to get riled up and angry like that because when I do I can be very sharp with my words and cut people to the bone.

7 mo
Just to be clear it's mother in law that's the problem his Stepmother is lovely
Is anyone else steeling themselves for Thanksgiving with a bitch of a stepmother?
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