Should I cut ties with my older sister?

I have an older sister (15 years my senior) who only hits me up when she wants money…. literally! Or simply when she wants something from me. It hasn’t always been this way, but for the past year or so I’m always the one initiating contact and most of the time she never answers or returns my calls/texts. I get ignored, but as soon as one of her bills are due or she claims she’s in need she will quickly pick up the phone and won’t hesitate to ask (constantly by the way). She didn’t even call on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday and that was like the icing on the cake for me. In a situation like this I won’t lie it hurts because I thought my sister and I were close, but apparently not. She even went as far as to tell me she doesn’t care about my boyfriend. That comment hurt because usually I can confide in her about my relationship but I don't know what made her not care anymore. It’s been almost 2 months now and she just hit me up today to ask if I could un cancel my Netflix so she could watch. Not a “how are you?”, “how’s life?”, or nothing just can I have, can I have, can I have! I’m at my wits end and although it sucks and it’s hurtful, I’m ready to cut the line and say you know what I tried but this is toxic and it’s not worth it because I do feel like it’s a one sided relationship. My question is should I? Or what would you do in a situation like this?
Cut her off.
Keep trying to heal the relationship
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Should I cut ties with my older sister?
5 Opinion