Can I rebuild this friendship?


I was in a friendship/benefits situation with someone that lived close to me. We got along quite well, and talked often, and hung out from time to time, and slept together. Things were generally positive. Though it could at times be a confusing relationship, I think things were generaly quite good with her.

The issue is that I was suffering from a slow mental breakdown. I started to react to the stress, anxiety, depression that was compiling on top of me. This led me to become quite self destructive in text, conversation, and eventually in person.

The past month this became even more clear. I started to get paranoid, aggressive, and confrontational. This led to me verbally attacking her (calling her names) in text, and always assuming the worst. Naturally, she was still nice to me, but clearly distant. Eventually my collapse led to me breaking my own property, and nearly getting into a car accident. Clearly my mental health was deteriorating and I thought I could handle it myself, but instead things got worse. One night, I was verbally assaulted by a friend of hers at the bar, and it led to me assuming she played a role. The long story of it is that I accuse her of it, and verbally attacked her on the phone, and then went out and damaged her car. Immediately I regretted the situation, told her what I did, and had her call the police. Naturally all of her friends hated me after this, and one of them is a coworker of mine.

Immediately after the incident, she texted me, and said she just wanted to get things fixed, not go any further legally, return to normalcy, and maybe learn to be friends in the future. Sadly, I was still not well, and was in such a mental state that my mother had to visit to keep my safe from harming myself. I wasn't as responsive as I should have been, and might have been able to resolve things then.

10 days later. I am medicated, working on myself, seeking help, and have redeveloped a good working relationship with her friend. Can I fix this?

Can I rebuild this friendship?
2 Opinion