Impossible to celebrate your birthday…😞💔?

Hi all, doubt anyone cares but today is my birthday. I should be happy but itโ€™s impossible to get happy much less celebrate my birthday. Why? Because May 23, 2005 (the day after my birthday May 22) is the day I lost my dad to esophageal cancer. It still tears me up to this day. Even though itโ€™s been 19 years, I miss him so much. Whoever came up with time heals all wounds - is a total idiot and itโ€™s complete bullschit! As soon as you see a picture or a video of that person gone, the wound is torn open again. ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”

Impossible to celebrate your birthday…😞💔?
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