Do girls like a quiet dude or a fun, goofy, and energetic dude?

So I'm really goofy and fun and energetic and honestly a bit loud too :/ but I'm super friendly too and get along with virtually everyone (unless they're just a douche). but I have a hard time getting girls. don't tell me that maybe its because of my physical attraction because one, girls have said I'm kinda cute and I'm strong and muscular too. weigh 155, bench 235 and squat 270. I'm also very intelligent too. ton of people have said I'm really smart. but my friends say that its because I'm too loud and goofy and stuff and I need to chill out a bit. Is that really the reason? Girls please help me out :)
I like the goofy, fun and energetic type of guy.
I like the quiet and chill type of guy.
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+1 y
okay it seems like most girls like goofy guys according to the poll... then why do you think I'm having trouble with getting girls? Build what you have to say on top of my original post.
Do girls like a quiet dude or a fun, goofy, and energetic dude?
Post Opinion