Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Skincare products are beneficial, no doubt about that. If for nothing else, for the sheer feeling of moisturizing your skin and sun protection, but then there are those products that you actually simply don't need because you can do that job with something you already have at home - even better, if I might add!

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On


Yup...toner does absolutely nothing for you or anyone else!Just wash your face - there, problem solved!

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Face Masks

This might be a bit rough for some of you, but in my experience, and the experience of plenty of people, unless that mask is really full of all nutrients that can actually penetrate your skin and actually make a difference - other than clogging your pores and making you break out - you don't need it. The 'moisturizing masques' are a rip off. Just get a decent face cream and you're set.

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Eye cream

Yes, eye cream might sound important, but it's because you don't know you can use your usual face cream around your eyes (since eye cream is the same formulation as face cream, only diluted, but sold with a huuuge price tag) - just dilute it with some Vaseline or neutral lotion and you're good to go. Dilute this less and less and your under-eye will get used to the power of your face cream and your eyes will as well - no matter the sensitive eyes.

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Sun Screen for Kids

It's the same thing as for the adults - literally the same ingredients. Don't believe me? Read them and see... The same amount of each ingredients.

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Any Scrub other than the Natural one

Meaning - any lip, foot, face scrub... You can make a universal one with a bit of honey, lemon and sugar. Easy and organic.

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Cellulite Creams, Stretch Marks Creams

There is literally no magical potion to get rid of these... They happened and now they're here to stay. Don't waste your money on this c**p.

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On

Skincare Products the Beauty Industry Wants You To Waste Your Money On
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