4 Reasons Why You Should Not Feel Bad About The Way You Look


4 Reasons Why You Should Not Feel Bad About The Way You Look

Hi! So on G@G recently, I've noticed a lot of people feeling low about the way they look. I personally, think it is silly to feel sad about something which isn't in your control. I know because it reminds me of myself, in the past when I felt really bad about the way I looked. Looking back at that, I feel silly that I ever felt that way, and I'm glad I don't feel like that anymore and am happy with the way I look.

Here is how I stopped feeling bad about how I looked and how you should too:

1) Accept What You Were Born With

That was the first step. Not wanting to change anything, to make myself whatever "perfect" is. Because if you try and change yourself you'll always be striving to get whatever you perceive perfect to be, and you'll never be satisfied with what you have.

Accepting everything you have, including flaws and imperfections shows maturity in my eyes, and makes you human as everybody knows nobody can be perfect. In a way, it's erasing that negative vanity of wanting to be, I'll say it again, "perfect."

And plus, I inherited the way I look, from my parents so why would I want to change something which could be seen as a reminder of them?

2) Don't Wear Makeup For The Wrong Reasons

Now, I'm not saying I've never worn makeup before, I have when just messing about with my friends and things but I'd never wear it heavily on a day-to-day basis. In fact, at this moment in time, I don't wear any at all. I haven't worn any in the past three years.

Because I don't want to give myself and society an image of myself which isn't true to me. I don't want to look in the mirror in the morning and see someone different, someone again I feel the need to change.

Again, I'm not trying to say wearing make-up is bad or anything, but if you're wearing it because you're not confident with the way you look, and you can't leave the house without it, that is a problem. Because it's like you're wearing a mask, a mask to hide yourself because you don't believe the real you is good enough.

If you're perfectly confident with how you look, and still want to wear it for whatever reason that may be but can also handle leaving the house without it, then that's different. Maybe you just find fun in that kind of thing, or maybe it's a way to express your artsy flare.

If you do wear it question yourself why, and are you wearing it for the right reasons?

3) Learn Beauty is Subjective

This may be a cliche you've heard time and time again but it is true. There is no real definition of beauty. Everybody has a different type.

In this world, not everyone will find you attractive. Some will think you're beautiful, others will think you're ugly. Don't take it personally, it's just their personal preference. Don't let it bring you down. It shouldn't matter to you, people's perceptions of beauty shouldn't matter to you. Be happy with yourself, and that is a kind of beauty many will admire. :)

4) Looks Aren't Everything

A lot of people do tend to believe this. But it's not true. Many also believe that people they perceive to be better looking, have it "easier" but that isn't true.

Somebody could be the best-looking person in the world but have the most horrid attitude and a lot of people will not want to know them.

Also, it's not physical beauty that gets you high grades. It's hard work, (I'm using a school example because I'm in school) and revision which get you the high grades. Nobody gets a high grade because the teacher thought:

"Oh, I think this student is really good looking, let's make that C- into an A*"

If a student deserves a grade C- according to their test they'll get that grade and if they deserve an A* they'll get an A*.

I hope you enjoyed reading.

Hello again! As said above, hope you enjoyed reading and if you're feeling a little low about your looks don't. All this stuff has just been in my mind, every time I've seen someone on here talk about how unconfident they are with the way they look, so I needed to get it out in writing.

Hope this wasn't too bad! :P

Thanks for reading! XD

4 Reasons Why You Should Not Feel Bad About The Way You Look
34 Opinion