1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?

I normally have always just worn yoga shorts and I was totally ok with that decision. Recently I discovered slips.. Now I’m never sure.

Also, the skirt is a few inches too big so I am holding it to fit right... That may be why it looks a bit funny on the waist. Or it may just have an odd cut.

It was not the skirt I was looking for but it is very airy and I kind of like the pattern. The fit is odd. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Thank You 🌺
1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?
1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?
1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?
1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?
I like the skirt. It’s ok to wear with just shorts. Details on shirt tucking, below.
I don’t like the skirt. It’s ok to wear with just shorts. Details on shirt ticking, below.
I like the skirt. You need a slip. Details on shirt tucking, below.
I don’t like the skirt. You need a slip. Details on shirt tucking, below.
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I don’t disagree. It would have to be acceptable for many different surroundings, as surroundings change often in a city. So I’m avoiding inappropriateness in most basic settings. Shopping public transit banks movies cafes restaurants Concert museums ~ general stuff. Wouldn’t wear it to an office but I dont work in an office. 🤷‍♀️😊

As for lighting~ It’s very bright lighting in first pic and in that you can see skin.
1. Is this semi transparent skirt, inappropriate without a slip? Or Can I just yoga shorts? 2. Is it better with shirt tucked in, or tucked out?
20 Opinion