Do women really "hit the wall" at 30?

For example she looks no different 20 to 30
For example she looks no different 20 to 30

I've heard a lot of men especially online saying this type of bs like women hit the wall/expire at 30 but it just doesn't seem to be true. From what I've seen most women are just starting their glow up at 25-30 then actually peak in their 40s.

Like for me personally I'm not even near my glow up stage yet but I have gotten more attractive every year. Thinking I'll probably get my glow at like 35 then peak much later on into my 40s.

The whole hit the wall at 30 thing just seems like a ridiculous myth that insecure men made up

Yes they hit the wall
No 30 is still young
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Do women really "hit the wall" at 30?
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