Chasing women, and why it always leads to Rejection

Hey guys JohnBhoy94 here bringing you a myTake on attraction and flirting. I hope this assists as many guys who are having troubles flirting with girls/women as possible and helps them avoid rejection and blow offs.

Chasing women, and why it always leads to Rejection.

Films and how they distort social reality.

You know that film about a girl this guy really, really wants? The one where he goes to her house with a bunch of roses a sings at her window whilst she cries and begs him to whisk her away in the moonlight? Well the reality check is: this never happens and women hate it.

Sure women love these love stories and fantasise about it, but in reality when a guy is this forward, it turns her off and she ends up rejecting him.

The very people who create these films are living their very own fantasises!

What you really should be doing, as a man.

It's simple really: The woman should be chasing you

It's a fact that women are more interested/attracted to men who's intentions are unclear.

Ever been in that scenario when you're chatting up a girl and chasing her and she's blowing you off and acting cold, but as soon as you walk away she's back to chasing you?

So, you meet a girl, you get her number and she seems interested, what do you do?

First off you wait a few days. Now either, depending on true level of interest, she'll get in contact with you (i.e put herself in your orbit) OR you can send a little text asking her out.

And that's it.

After the first date, you let HER contact YOU and when she does you ASSUME she wants to meet up and you set up a second date, and then so on and so forth.

What if she has already rejected me and/or friendzoned me?

Chasing women, and why it always leads to Rejection

If you've been rejected or friendzoned you NEED to let the girl know that you DO NOT accept their unilateral decision.

If they say "Can we just be friends?" you tell them that you don't want to, that you're attracted to them and want a relationship. If they deny you again you tell them this "Well that's a shame. Tell you what, get in contact with me if you change your mind. See you around!".

If she contacts you ASSUME she wants to see YOU and make a date.

An important thing to know is: A woman will NEVER put herself in a situation where a rejection is possible. People who think that a woman will literally call you and tell you she wants to drop her pants are deluded and know absolutely jack shit about women.

Another important thing is: NEVER get advice from people who have little to no experience in relationships. Listen to people like me who do!

Hope you enjoyed the MyTake. Please ask questions!

Chasing women, and why it always leads to Rejection
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