About a Boy: Why Guys Need to Grow A Pair in the Dating Game

Evening all.

More often than not, guys are the casualties of the dating game. Allow me to explain:

When a girl breaks up, she has all her girlfriends swanning around her telling her what an asshole the guy was and how she could do so much better. They'll belittle him and say how they didn't like him anyway. She talks it out and feels better as a result.

When a guy breaks up, his friends take him out drinking. It's a lad's night out and has about six hours worth of enjoyment. The next day, he still feels terrible because he hasn't resolved anything. Now he's hungover AND heartbroken.

So what's the solution? Guys need to walk FIRST. I'm sure a lot of girls are screaming:

"Omg, this guy is teaching other guy on how to be a bastard!"
"This guy needs to get laid! What a loser!"

And they'd all be wrong. I'm doing more than just fine without any of your suggestions, ladies but I'd be rude not to thank you for your time, so thank you.

1. The Male Psyche

How a guy works is that when stuff goes wrong with a girl, he simply won't have the balls to drop her. Why? Because it's taken him so long to find a girl who, God forbids, has feelings for him he's holding onto dear life at this moment in time. He subconsciously "settles" and keeps her around despite all the crap she puts him through. As he's dying to get her approval, he'll do whatever she wants him to do since he's too afraid she'll leave. "I've been single for six months now, I'm marrying this one!" the average guy thinks.

What a guy should be thinking is, "This girl is treating me like crap. Screw this" and walk. The point here is that you're not going to find a good girl if you stick with a girl who's giving you hell.

She talks down to you - walk.
She grinds on other guys - walk.
She leaves the toilet seat up - you'll survive.
She can't cook - you'll survive.
She lies to you - walk.
She confuses you - walk.

But why doesn't he leave, you ask?

2. Male Ego.

The male ego is a terrible thing. It has this idea ingrained into it which asks, "Why aren't girls interested in me? How dare they not be interested in me!" to the point where it begins to try and piece together a scenario to give a positive outcome. Example:

Male Ego's answer: She's not calling, texting or picking up my calls. She ignores me, doesn't seem interested and doesn't want to date me. But she kissed me the day before and gave me her number! She MUST WANT TO MARRY ME!

Truth: She was drunk and/or wanted an ego boost. When you asked for her number, she couldn't say no to preserve your ego from smashing to the floor.

When guys come across behaviour which is cold, don't respond by chasing. That's what EVERY GIRL puts up with when they come across desperate guys - constantly being barraged by insecure behaviour. If she cools off, you do the same. Women are much better at relationships and if she wants to play games the only thing you can do is give it your best shot and that involves not running after her.

Sounds simple, right? Problem. A guy CANNOT ACCEPT that a girl may walk away if he cools off. He really can't (I've been there too, fellas). They don't get that when a girl walks away she DOESN'T CARE AND DIDN'T IN THE FIRST PLACE. The male ego will try and find answers which won't help at all because the outcome is still the same - the girl is gone.

Guys need to digest that they can walk away from a bad situation. When they feel something isn't right, they should get the hell out of there. Those who don't listen due to an oversized ego - I wish you the best of luck after the girl leaves you for dead - AGAIN. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Once again, open to questions. Hope it helped,


About a Boy: Why Guys Need to Grow A Pair in the Dating Game
36 Opinion