My girlfriend doesn't seem to care anymore.

Maybe I'm just being silly, maybe I'm not. I know my girlfriend loves me, and I really love her. It's just that recently I feel like she hasn't been giving me the attention that I give her. I've made her the center of my life, and I would do anything for her, it's just that I feel like she hasn't done the same, and wouldn't do the same. She never seems to take me seriously, and rarely listens to any of my wishes. For example, I voiced my preference that she not drink alcohol when we attend parties. After telling her this I was most vigorously rebuffed and I was turned into the controlling boyfriend, when I rarely ever ask anything of her. I'm only trying to be the best boyfriend I can be, but how can I when I know I'll never receive the same treatment. She has never really considered what would make me happy, while I try every day to think of ways that would make her happier. Leaving the relationship isn't an option, I'm much too in love with her. And she is in love with me, I know this to be true. But how should I deal with a girlfriend who takes me for granted?
My girlfriend doesn't seem to care anymore.
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