Why did he want to know this?

So I went over to my aunts house not to long ago. I was sitting at the counter top doing an essay for college. My uncle who I barely see anymore was at the house and was outside hanging with my cousins. One is in his late 20s and the other early 30s.

The one in his late 20s is the one who I’m kinda closer with. While my aunt was getting dinner ready and everyone was talking, my cousin walked through the door and asked if I was 18 and I told him yeah and he left. It was a weird question but I don’t think anyone heard. I don't know if he was texting someone who wanted to know or just wanted to know for himself lol. As far as him being my cousin, he’s a really good cousin. There have been times where things may have gotten a little weird. Like for my birthday he cashapped me $50 but I don't know if it was because I’m in college and like I said we’re not that close but we talk every once in a while. Plus there have been sexual things in the past when he was a teen and I was a kid that we almost ended up doing because he asked ( I don’t wanna go into detail ) but I still wonder sometimes if he remembers.

So I just wanna know why he asked me that question?
Why did he want to know this?
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