How to tell my girl friend to tone it down with the flirting and whatnot around my other friends so they won't feel uncomfortable?

Two of my friends recently started dating. And well I see no problem with it and I approve of their relationship because they look cute together and treat each other good. But they had just started dating a week ago and we were in spring break so they haven't seen each other since we left college for spring break. Now some other friends of mine are saying they don't feel comfortable with them being too touchy or like really close. They seem to flirt while we are around them. Today those two were playing around and he was holding her and she was sitting on top of him. It was just a simple love fight play nothing that bad. But my friends felt weird so we left and let them be. I told my friends I'd talk to her but honestly, I don't know how to tell her that maybe they should tone it down when they are around others because they feel uncomfortable with all this flirting and whatnot. Those two have known each other since the beginning of the second semester of this year and recently knew they liked each other for a month or so ago.
How to tell my girl friend to tone it down with the flirting and whatnot around my other friends so they won't feel uncomfortable?
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