Why do ex boyfriends keep your phone number and e-mail address if they are no longer with you?

an ex boyfriend has my cell phone number still and my e-mail address on his msn contact list and I don't know why he still has it. I need your help guys. girls are welcome to comment. but I need to know from guys especially. thanks
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ok will this is what happend he went away for 2 and a half months dident tell me he had to go away or anything when he came back I was really upset and hurt and in pain we started talking again and then he started doing things that were not ok
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like making plans with me and then canceling them going and looking for other people to date and then I confronted him about everything and then things got better or so I thought they were and then out of the blue he put things up on his msn
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like lets play secretary and boss and f*** me silly and shameless whore and I asked him to take them off he wouldent so then I confronted him about it but still no taking it off so I stoped talking to him and I did it every time to let him know I didn't
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like what he was doing then we didn't talk for a long time and then we started talking again and we had a relationship talk again and then he text ed me one day because I thought this is it we are together and I want to meet his friends so I added them on
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on a web sight and the text said I am sorry to say this but we are not boyfriend and girlfriend and we haven't been in a very long time so I was upset and in pain again and hurt so I confronted him about everything again and then we stoped talking
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and then just a few weeks ago I said that since he has been such a jrk as a boyfriend maybe he would be a better friend then a boyfriend and then he said that would be hard because he wanted me and then started looking again for other people to date
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so I wrote him an e-mail that said the way he is treating me doesn't make me want him and does not make me want to date him and that I will keep looking for other people to date if he is going to keep looking and he knows from one of our conversations
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that I have already gone on a couple of dates so that's why I am asking because I really don't get it
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up date so I met an amazing guy and I am going to start dating him I am so happy and I don't feel confused or hurt or upset or in pain or angry any more its all over between me and my ex for good :D
Why do ex boyfriends keep your phone number and e-mail address if they are no longer with you?
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