How to figure women out?

I was talking to some guys the other day about women. Talking to them made me realize I am clueless about women and the “game” of dating and all of that good stuff. This includes knowing how to approach (mainly starting a conversation), holding a conversation, seducing and flirting with them, to knowing whether or not she is really into me. There have been times I felt she was interested and she was being nice. Then other times where others say a girl was interested and she didn’t seem like that to me. When it comes to all of this I am clueless and just don’t know my head from my feet in the art of flirting and picking up on these signals. These guys I talk to seem to have this down, and just know what to do. While I feel like a fish out of water, and just won’t get this understanding no matter how hard I try. Need help understanding this things.
How to figure women out?
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