…does not make plans but talks to you as if they care VS makes an effort to see you but does not talk — which scenario makes you feel more valued?

What makes you feel more appreciated, someone making an effort to spend time with you tho they don’t say much to you when together, or, someone not really making an obvious effort to see you, as in they don’t ask to see you but will talk to you intimately when you run into each other…. I recognize both scenarios may suck snd you may understandably as a result not wish to be around said person 😂 but I’m not asking if you want to deal with such a one…I’m just asking in which case would you feel more “liked” or would you not in either case?

Effort to see me > talking to me whilst together
Effort to see me < talking to me whilst together
Effort to see me = talking to me whilst together
Depends on other circumstances
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…does not make plans but talks to you as if they care VS makes an effort to see you but does not talk — which scenario makes you feel more valued?
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