Why is this guy curious about me even though he has a girlfriend?


We met in college but never talked that much. I had a hunch that he had a slight crush on me which turned out to be true. At the end of the first semester he tried to flirt with me but I ignored it because I was insecure and thought he was too good for me. A week later he tried again and I ignored it too.

Years later during the pandemic he found out through a friend that I had an obsessive crush on him but he told him that I was not his type.

Another 2 years later he sees me in the lecture hall and turned around to stare at me in a very obvious way so that his friends noticed and tried to bring us together and he made a romantic playlist about me.

Now he seems to have a girlfriend (he posts vacation pics with her, tags her in stories etc.) but he secretly stares at me from afar and gives me a last glance at the end of the lecture before he leaves the room or looks kinda scared when he sees me entering the room.

What does he want? Is he only flattered that I liked him and needs my validation? I would like to get to know him better but I don’t want to be used

Why is this guy curious about me even though he has a girlfriend?
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