Women Need To Stop Complaining When Men Hit Them Back!

I've seen many questions recently from guys asking, "My girlfriend/female friend/female I met in the bar hit me, so I hit her back. She started screaming at me that I was a disgusting piece of scum. Was I in the wrong?" to which the answer is very simply "no." She hit you first, so you hit her back, I'm not sure what she expected to happen.

Women Need To Stop Complaining When Men Hit Them Back!

Women complain about wanting equality all the time, but when they're presented with real equality, like having to sign up for the draft, a move I support, or getting hit by a man in retaliation for intentionally injuring the man, they suddenly falter and backtrack. People argue "Women are weaker then men, so men shouldn't hit them!" which is straight up bullshit, and also the complete opposite of the message feminist preach with regards to equality. If you know you're going to get hurt doing something, it's your on fault if you do it. No one blames the lions if someone ignores the danger and gets their leg bitten off, they blame the idiot. If you hit a man, and he hits you back, you deserved it. He would have done the same thing to another guy, and if you can't take that, well you shouldn't have put yourself in the situation.

"You wouldn't hit a child!" No, no one should, obviously. "Well then, why hit a woman?" Because a child doesn't have the life experience or the brain capacity of an adult, and unlike a child, a women is certainly not powerless. If anyone has ever been in a fight with a woman, they scratch and bite. Unlike men, who tend to just punch their target, women fight dirty. If anyone is going to cause more damage from getting into a fight, it's the women. A guy may leave bruises, but the women is going to leave scratch and bite marks, and probably puncture the skin, potentially leaving scars.

My least favorite phrase in relation to this whole debate is "just restrain her." You never tell the woman to restrain the man, just hit him back, but you tell the man to restrain her. Restraining also kinda fucking hurts, for both parties, and puts the restrainer in a weak position, because it's really easy to kick or bite someone restraining you.

Simply put, if you want to get your damn equality, learn to take it like a man or not get into fights to begin with.

Disclaimer: I'm an equalist, and having been in a few fights with both genders mentioned in the take, I advise against fighting either.

Women Need To Stop Complaining When Men Hit Them Back!
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