Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You


Women aren't that complicated as many people say and think.

Here are the most common things that women say and do that signal they are not that into you. Let me count the ways:

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

1. "I am single but not available."

She means she is not in a relationship but she has her eyes and heart set on a special guy. They are not dating yet but she is hoping to take it to the next level of exclusivity. She is telling you straight up not a chance FOR YOU, bro. Do not bother pursuing her.

2. "You will look good with my best friend".

Ouch. She doesn't want you for herself but instead trying to play match make you with her best friend or her other girl friends. She is trying to steer your attention AWAY from her.

3. "You're amazing. Why can't more guys be like you?"

Another ouch. She thinks you are the perfect boyfriend but not for her. Another guy has her heart but she wishes he has your qualities plus the sexy factor which you are missing. You give her dry vibes… :P She just gave you a free ticket to the Friendzone land. :/ Yes the dreaded “I like you but as a friend”.

4. "You are like the brother that I never had."

Ouch to the nth power. No pulse detected. She likes you too much to even considering a romantic relationship with you. She put you in the ranks of her family and closest friends. Yes bro, she fam zoned you. There is no getting out of Famzone. If you do, Congratulations!

5. "I am not big into labels."

She wants to enjoy her freedom talking to a few guys but not taking them all seriously and she is in no rush to be in a relationship. She is just enjoying the attention and ego stroking from you and other admirers.

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

6. She seenzones you/leaves you on read.

If she likes you, you will not have to wait ages to get a reply from her. She is never too busy to text back Mr. Dream Guy. If you haven't heard from her in days or she doesn't initiate contact every now and then or if she does reply, she is brief. She is not really into you. It is safe to say to move along and focus your attention on someone else...

7. When she asks for your number instead of giving hers/she tells you follow her on social media.

Oh no. Whenever a girl asks for your number instead after you ask her for hers is a dead giveaway. She will not call you or text you. She doesn’t want to hear from you either. Or her telling you to follow her on Instagram doesn’t necessarily mean you will get a follow back.

8. “I am working on myself right now”.

Screams she’d rather be single than be in a relationship with YOU. Yes, bro. She doesn’t want to be romantic with you at all. She is telling you it ain’t happening ever. Abort mission.

9. She keeps mentioning an ex or other guys to you.

This could mean good or bad. Good, if she trying to gauge if you have any mutual feelings towards her at all that might trigger jealousy. Bad, if she is still hung up on that ex or she is crushing hard on another guy and she can’t stop gushing about him to you. I say, get out now. You don’t want to be her go to guy whenever the other guy ignored her or hurt her. She sees you as one of her girl friends. No dude, turn around and keep walking.

10. She says she is not into dudes. She likes females or she has an imaginary boyfriend.

I have used this one lol. I was single but I didn’t know how to say no to this one guy in university I had to lie to him that I was in a relationship with my hot girl best friend. He left pronto. To some guys, this might be a turn on though. :P

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

11. She keeps making up excuses whenever you ask her out.

She’s always busy or something comes up. Her sister’s bestfriend’s cousin’s girlfriend’s grandma is in town and it’s her 100th birthday and she has to come. Or she had to study overnight even though it’s not the finals or she has an emergency meeting at work and has to work late on a Sunday when the place is closed. Sure…

12. She only agrees to go out with you if it’s with a group.

It’s pretty obvious she doesn’t want to be alone with you. Or if she does agree to go out alone, it has to be in a public setting and she takes her car. She doesn’t want to be intimate with you at all.

13. “I don’t kiss on the first date”.

She will say this midway date to let you know you are not locking lips or doing tonsil hockey with her tonight or ever. She is telling you, you are not hot or sexy enough for her to make her vagina tingle…

14. She avoids you at all cost.

If you see her running in the opposite direction every time she sees you, bro, she doesn’t like you at all. If you do bump into her, she will make the rendezvous a quick stop of hi hello and rush out. If she likes you, she’d go out for coffee with you to catch up.

15. She never looks her best whenever you guys meet up.

She doesn’t try at all. She could care less if her hair is greasy and there’s spinach stuck on her teeth. Or she smells. Or if she does put make up on, it’s like meeting Joker’s and Pennywise’s kid. She just doesn’t give a single F. Why would she bother? Who is she trying to impress? Not you for sure…

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

16. She does things to turn you off.

When you go out on a date, she’d order everything on the menu and eat like she hasn’t eaten in weeks. She will have no table manners and talk with her mouth full and splattering while she laughs and talks. She just wants to turn you off so bad that she wants you running away from her.

17. She always acts bored/distant with you.

She’d rather look at the menu forever than look at your face and talk to you. Or she’d rather flirt with the waiter than with you.

18. She’s glued to her phone.

Whenever I am with the loml, gadgets gotta go. My happiness is smiling right back at me. <3 But when she’d rather tweet or exchange memes with other people online than get to know you, she’s not interested at all.

19. She is only there for free food/drinks.

She only says yes to going out when you offer to pay or she’d rather be binge watching Netflix in her pjs and pig out on Doritos than go out with you.

20. She tells you straight up/ignores you.

Some girls will tell you bluntly she is not into you to not give you false hopes. I commend these girls. They know who they want and they’d rather not waste theirs or your time. I have told a guy at work one time I am not into him but I did match made him with one of my close friends. They are married now with two kids.

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

Or some girls will just flat out ignore you not giving you time of their day. Just leave them alone… Crossing their arms and rolling eyes are also giveaways that they cannot stand you.

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You

See? Females are not hard to read at all. It’s not a superpower. It’s just common sense. Just read between the lines. If she is not into you, you will feel it in your gut. Females will make a move if they like you or send you signals if they are attracted to you. If she goes out of her way to send you a random text or a Congratulations card for your new house or remembers tiny details about you, she LIKES YOU bro. For those shy females, try to break the ice. A warm genuine smile and she being chatty with you says SHE LIKES YOU.

Ladies, if I missed anything, feel free to add. Thanks for the time reading.

XOs Pinay_ako

Things Women Do and Say When They Are Not That Into You
85 Opinion