Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?


This Mytake is my personal advice based on what I have experienced personally and seen from others on what type of women to avoid regardless if she's gorgeous or not.

Failure to ignore these warning signs will bring you nothing but headaches and misery if you ever seriously get involved with the following types of women because it will only get worse and worse with time once they expose their true personality.

The Flattering Tongue.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

I will address this one first because this is the main trait of a trashy woman who hides behind her facade to find a way to get her feet in the door she's seeking to get into for whatever her purposes are.

Pay close attention to listen wheather it's with you or someone she's talking too to pick up the tiny red flags.

These types of women are very skillful and quick with words to say and know how to use their mouth to their advantage.

She's the type that will always pretty much appeal to a man's ego by speaking agreeable words to feed his ego even if she doesn't mean it.

Her compliments are excessive and often with a smile and with lots of charm to make the experience seem genuine.

She's a fake and a chameleon. Her real personality sucks and she also carries a high degree of being unfaithful due to her flirty ways.

She Doesn't Know When To Shut Up.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

On average women like to talk more than men throughout the day, but anything in excessive will become a burden very quick!

You as a man should be very cautious when talking to a woman and you notice you can't get a word in or she constantly interrupts you when you speak.

This motor mouth of a woman will have your head ready to explode because she doesn't know when to shut the hell up and leave someone alone. She also tends to complain a lot too.

Are you sure you want to live in the same house with her? 🙄

Non-Submissive Attitude.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

I dislike unsubmissive women; it's a major turn off with these hard headed goats.

This woman isn't wife material unless you are one of those soft cucks who like woman to be the leader.

She's the type of dominate personality that likes to contradict for the sake of rebellion that her spirit is.

For ex: You and others might say it's very cold outside today, but she can't help her fat mouth and stay quite, but has to let everyone know she doesn't agree with them.

And she pretty much will do this with everything else even when she's not asked.

These women are the ones that like to say relationships are 50/50, equal partnerships or don't believe or scoff that men should be the leaders of the household and won't obey when spoken to and give a bad attitude.

If you don't want constant fights, arguments and drama then stay away from this stubborn ass woman.

She Dresses Like A Hooker.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

I'm all for a woman to look and dress sexy, but there must be a boundary as well.

A woman that extends herself to show lots of cleavage or wear a super short skirt is because she's full of vanity, ego and pride and pretty much has very little to no positive substance on the inside so she makes it up by trying to show her excessive body parts for admiration and attention. These women also tend to be whores.

The Hot Head.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

LOL. This right here. I once had a girlfriend that ran full speed with a machete in her hand towards me and literally put it inches away from my face; my heart probably skipped 5 consecutive beats.

Look, if you notice this kind of woman tends to get angry with co-workers, in traffic or the waiter or waitress over petty stuff then cut her loose.

You will be experiencing her rage from 0 to 100 in heavy doses if you decide to ignore the signs and get with her.

She's Never Home.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

Having a great time with friends is cool and I strongly encourage it, but if you notice when you talk to a woman and she is never home then that is a red flag this woman won't be a good wife nor mom to her kids.

This is the type that as soon she leaves work has to go to the local sports bar for drinks, hang out at her friend's house, go to downtown to see the latest events etc.

She acts like this literally 7 days a week, there's no balance to her; she's gotta always be everywhere, but home.

Sarcastic Mouth.

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?

If you're talking to a woman or hear her mock others, this is a tiny flag that she has a slick disrespectful mouth and personality.

If you get a new hair cut she will make sure to ridicule you or diss your shoe style, but she often hides her mean spirited ways by smiling and laughing while saying it to make you think she's joking. She's not joking, trust me.

She's a freaking little b*&#$ and will always try to make you feel bad about yourself and second guess you a lot to make you feel stupid.

Six Types Of Men Women In Their Right Mind Should Avoid At All Cost!

Tips On The Women Men Must Avoid To Get In A Serious Relationship Or Marriage With?
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