- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
I have the same problem as you - only I only have a business degree, not a doctorate. Hopefully i can find full-time work soon but anyway. Yea. I feel you. I know how frustrating it can seem. I had a similar conversation about this elsewhere not a few days ago. And the same thing happened to me. People called me entitled. I hate that fucking word, it's so condescending and smug. So again, I feel you.
But anyway. One thing I've noticed with women is that your chances are better when you have something in common with them. You have to be having fun, as in doing fun things, having fun conversations, it has to be fun, they have to associate you with good feelings. So having common interests helps there. Are you perhaps dating women who aren't interested in the same things as you? That could be a problem. I know I would have a hard time with, you know, those club girls. Not because I am afraid of them, they are just people like everyone else. But we dont' have common interests so there would be little to talk, laugh, or joke about.
Speaking of laughing and joking - that's essential. It's a problem I have - I can hold a conversation well enough but I'm not really a comedian. Being funny goes a long way.
Also, and this is a maybe, but maybe you are doing too much work right now, and not doing hobbies/interests enough. "All work and no play..." you know? Obviously you can't let the work go, if you want to be a doctor. But maybe look for women with similar interests.
Again, I know where you're coming from. There's not a lot of women who like the stuff I like, and even less are actually attractive. It's not easy, no. But you can find someone.04 Reply- +1 y
Well, you're actually bringing up another problem I have with 'women': THEY'RE SPOILED! Oh, we have to be soooo fun and have soooo much in common and be soooo funny and have to be soooo financially stable, but we men and fat women usually don't require all that. Wonder why? We... or at least I, just try to make things work with someone who may not have the exact same kind of personality or commonalities as I have. It's because I believe in this thing that most 'women' don't called COMPROMISE. Compromise is key to a long and successful relationship, since we're all human and we're all different, ESPECIALLY between the sexes. Makes sense? Nothing good in life comes cheap and easy. You must work for it. The compromise is the work for a solid relationship. And there are plenty of girls who are in medicine who just think they're too rich for me, won't date outside their race, are taken or they're just too damn submerged into the popular group for me to touch them.
- +1 y
it's funny: these same 'women' of today have foremothers who did and do believe in compromise... and look at how much further along they've gotten with their marriages. Not trying to preach, but any truly God-fearing person believes in compromising somewhere to get to their paramount goals. Heck, even on a non-religious note, you think that these great businesses were built/established from people sitting on their hands? HELL NO!! They worked hard and COMPROMISED somewhere: maybe they ate PB crackers and water everyday until they got through school and once they became professionals making good, they were able to give their children amenities of which they used to be deprived. Compromise is the sine qua none of the American Dream... and should be for the American Family:)
- Opinion Owner+1 y
From what I've seen, you (and me) have been looking at this from the wrong angle. I too used to believe women were all about money and looks. To some degree, those things do help, yes. But they are utterly worthless without charisma. And an abundance of charisma can make up for a shortcoming in money and looks. I've seen it.
Attraction, the way I see it, is tied to fun. Get women to see you in a fun light. Keep things fun to keep things attractive. It's better to say nothing than something that isn't fun or interesting.
I get not wanting to settle for women that you are not physically attracted to - that is a problem I have as well. There's really no point, a relationship like that is just going to collapse sooner or later when you can't stand to keep up the act a minute more. No sense in wasting either of your time. Just remember, the factors in order from most important to least:
1. Personality / charisma
2. Looks
3. Money
Money is actually last. - +1 y
Dude, if money's last, then why are so many hot girls with guys who are bald, short, and hairy with money? Older men who are married told me money was like most important. But again, we men have to work much harder to get these girls to actually focus on us. We have to say the right things in the right way at the right time, or else, no matter how well intentioned we are, we're screwed! Unless of course the woman is fat/deemed unattractive by most, then she's more laid back with standards. We seem to be MUCH more laid back about our standards, at least I know I am, but a lot of guys are a lot like myself when it comes to standards. Finally, not being able to be with someone with whom you're not attracted is NOT a problem... unless the reason why you're not attracted is a shallow, narrow-minded one (e. g., he's bald, she's black)
Most Helpful Opinions
you have a complex question. girls are spoiled with no morals these days. they want instant gratification. women are more emotional than men and are more prone to being carried away with their desires. they may reject you because you may not really be on physical par with them. some women really want a physical equal. ones hot doesn't translate into another ones hot. you're quite right. finding women for me is hard i pass by hundreds of people before i see someone whos interested in me and im interested in them. that would be the top 90-100% the rest will reject me because they know they can't reach my standards others just hate my guts. after reading your paragraph your quite right. trust me your quite sane. its just that MOST people are STUPID. its tough. the truth hurts u will be rejected most of the time. but that doesn't mean your not the cream of the crop. you think that if you're exceptional in some/all areas that everyone should want you. trust me thats NOT how it works. if you are just above mediorce and attractive ull get most women who are the same. thats where most attractive people are. i dont know your exact situation only u know but this should help you understand and realize you actually get how the world works.
18 Reply- +1 y
btw.. you may not actually be seeing the truth about how many women like you. if u beleive for instance no one likes you. your brain is going to look for supporting facts and you will see no one. you must beleive you're attractive. then ur brain will start looking for women who find you atractive. if you dont beleive it your brain looks for women who DONT find you attractive and u will NOT notice when a women IS interested in you.
- +1 y
oh yeah those girls who are bitchy at people are immature. theyre GIRLS not women. for some reason they didn't have a mature male guiding them. so whenever you see a women who is irational and attacking you you know that person is immature and lacking a mature male role model. all people who are attacking other people without a valid reason, people who are not understanding and unkind are lacking mature male role models.
- +1 y
some people may want your money. its perfectly natural to want a woman who has higher standards. you dont need to get with a woman whos really interested in your money. she should get money herself. you dont work for others you're not an employee. you earned your money its yours and yours alone. anyone who has a problem with that wants to use you. just have enough money for your own current and near future goals. that doesn't require that much even if you have a kid. you dont have to like fat girls. fat girls have to like themselves. they should do something to make themselves more healthy. bigger women are not bad ppl, but you dont have to want to get with them. some may have some redeeming qualities and promise. i know I've seen it. never dated someone like that though. also women who get with men for financial reasons... is not completly shallow they may want a kid soon but for the most part it is. usually unless you've got great genes beauty depreciates.
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Perhaps you're going after the wrong type of girls. You say most girls are too materialistic, but you go after the attractive ones and eschew the "fat girls" as you so refer to them. You can't call out someone else's superficial behaviour when you yourself are being superficial.
I'm not trying to antagonize you here, but look at this as a learning opportunity. I'm sure you sound good on paper, but maybe you're not presenting yourself the right way. Women aren't required to give you attention, no matter how intelligent or good-looking you perceive yourself. If the common denominator here is you, maybe it's some for some good old fashioned introspection.229 Reply- +1 y
Ok something else I need to make clear. When I say 'attractive', I DON'T mean 10's necessarily. I'm talking average looking girls, like 5 and above. Even THEY are assholes to me, telling me they don't have time. Me superficial? Uh, no. Not by a stretch. They may not be required to give me attention, but #1, they could at least give me helpful feedback on what's sooooo wrong with me. But they don't. Instead they just stop responding to me by text/fb or whatever. #2, they could give their attention to guys such as myself more often, and MAYBE, just maybe they'd stop fucking complaining about the douche bags they just absolutely love so fucking much.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
People rarely fit into neat categories as "douchebags" and "nice guys" or "superficial" and "down to earth." Everyone has their own unique personality, and if you can't find a common ground with them, they're not going to want to carry the relationship further. As for them not giving you feedback, did you ask them to give you some? Because people are rarely going to volunteer that information since it is just not polite to say it unsolicited. Even on this site, I've found some of the guys who message me just don't know how to carry on a conversation. They'll initiate it, but they fail to really engage. I lose interest, and I stop replying.
Girls don't HAVE to give their attention to anyone they don't want to. Maybe those "douchebags" they're dating, despite all their faults, are probably interesting people who are fun to be around. And I bet you, they're not even half as bad as you make them out to be, because we only tend to mention things about people we're unhappy about. - +1 y
Of course I asked for feedback. I have a problem with the "can't carry convo" thing too. I mean I might not be the most interesting guy to talk to sometimes, but that doesn't mean that I won't turn out to be the best guy for her to marry in the future, so it's probably a good idea that she just tough that one out since it's not much to tough out anyway. Those douchebags are called douchebags for a reason: he's shallow, will leave you when times get rough, and won't stick around for his own damn child. He dope deals, pimps, shit like that. Sure they're fun, but dangerous. And they won't marry you. What is she gonna tell Jr. 6 years from now when she marries the nice guy she was shooting down for being nice while she was jumping in bed with the smooth operating douche: "hey baby, this is your new daddy, he's really nice and you're 'real' daddy (sperm donor) is in prison for trafficking narcotics." We good/nice guys don't deserve the sloppy seconds.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Look, my point is, you are failing to connect with these girls if they're disappearing after a couple of messages/conversations. It's not their fault and it might not be yours either. You just don't connect. That's it. Attraction is something you can't force, it's either there or it isn't. Don't expect girls to tough it out, because what's going to be their reward in the end? A guy who looks good on paper, but with whom you can't carry on a conversation with because you just can't connect. It's a waste of time.
And please don't generalize all the guys who get girls as douchebags. Most of the guys who I've come across in relationships are sweet, kind, and caring. Many girls aren't actually interested in a drug-dealing pimp, as you seem to think. You would have better luck with the ladies once you let go of this idea of "jerks vs the nice guys." And if you only see those types of girls, you're going after the wrong ones. - +1 y
It's hard to connect when all she gives me are 'yes' and 'no' answers. So it is their fault. For some reason then, I ALWAYS have reason as to why I'm not attracted to someone; I can point out the reasons. But I suppose women don't have that ability or something. They're reward in the end for toughing out a little boringness will be a great husband who will love her to the end, be a good father to the kids, and who will work hard and provide for his family, not to mention he may very easily change for the better and become more interesting which is why I say it's nothing to tough out in the first place. Small compromises are better than huge ones! And don't try to tell me that this shit doesn't happen. I know of a number of girls who are with dope dealers right now And have children by them! Come on now, I've seen this for my damn self! So there's no 'thinking'; I know. I suppose 99% of all females must be the wrong ones then.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Oh? I really had no idea you've met 99% of the world's females - for I see no other way your assumptions could be justified.
Just like you can "point out reasons" why you're not attracted to someone, so can women "point out reasons" why they're not attracted to someone, in this case you. Women aren't such hard mercenaries as you seem to believe; we crave love with the right guy, not a white picket fence, a house in the suburbs and 3 kids with Mr. Not-Quite-So-Right-But-He-Told-Me-To-Tough-It-Out. Women are quite capable of "working hard and providing for a family" on their own, they don't need you to become a workhorse in their stead. So don't fault them for wanting love and not finding it with you.
You'll eventually find someone who'll fulfill you; until then, don't blame an entire gender for the failings of yourself and for the failings of a few. - +1 y
I was referring to 99% of the ones I met. Do you really think I'd have to go through that many in the world to finally find a good one? Say I live in AZ, and I met 99% there. You think going to NY or England would really change my luck much? Oh yeah, this is why so many girls get with guys with good money and don't love them and cheat on them, because they crave love with the 'right guy'. Why didn't they get with the right guy then? BECAUSE HE WASN'T SO FUCKING RIGHT!!! 'Mr. Right's' IN PRISON OR 6FT UNDER FROM BEING IN A GANG FIGHT! Yeah being with someone who will cheat on you is much less of a hassle than being with a bald guy who will be faithful. Boy you gals sure got your priorities straight! A lot find love with the wrong damn ones. Love is intelligent, NOT some blind ass emotion you can't control. And again WHAT ARE MY FALLINGS? Wish a girl would tell me already rather than just hauling ass cause she knows she's wrong.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Alright, since you asked, I shall attempt to give you my honest opinion on your failings based on what I've gleaned from you so far:
1) You blame girls too much. They're perfectly entitled to reject you and they don't have to give reasons for it, just like you're entitled to reject girls you don't like. It doesn't make them bad or shallow, because you don't know WHY they rejected you, you can only guess. And if the problem is so serious that you're on this site, you need to honestly self-reflect. How can you improve yourself? Change the type you approach. And accept that rejection happens and move on.
2) You seem to think girls are after looks or money, and that most guys in relationships are douches who either cheat or are incarcerated. Let's be real, your perception of them is extremely limited and only applies to a very small minority. Just because a girl doesn't go for you doesn't mean she is or will be unhappy in her relationship. It just means you weren't the right one for her - +1 y
Isn't that mean to reject someone without giving good reason though? It DOES make them bad and shallow if they don't. I've been self-reflecting for years!! Ain't found shit! But I do know that many girls have told me "you're a nice guy, you'll make someone a great husband, but you're not my type/I'm not looking for anyone right now/blasey blasey bullshit. It's not YOU, it's ME." Rejection happens, but ALL THE DAMN TIME? Something isn't right. The type that I approach are the ones I find attractive. So I should go for the ones who are UNattractive?
No, I'm saying the guys that A LOT of attractive girls are in relationships with are douches. Maybe or maybe not most. But even if he's a good guy, she chose him over me although I talked to her first because of his looks and/or money, AFTER she claims looks/money don't matter. She probably doesn't go for me because she's in that dip shit stage where she has no self control or will power and thus makes bad choices. - +1 y
Let me also add that if what I'm saying only applies to a very small minority, then I guess I must be the unluckiest guy ever cause I've only run into that very small minority in my 14 years of chasing girls. And why wouldn't I be the right one for her? She herself said there's nothing wrong with me. Apparently there are some deal breakers there that she doesn't want to admit to because she's ashamed... or she's just a fat fucking liar. Your pick.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
It's only 'mean' to reject someone without reason when it comes to a professional relationship, not a personal one. A lot of times, girls say "someday you'll make some girl very lucky but you're just not for me," because we feel it's a kinder way of letting someone down than saying "I don't feel attracted to you." I have given the excuse "I'm not looking for anything right now" countless times, because it's bad enough rejecting the guy without telling him exactly what's wrong with him. So we sugarcoat things.
But this is the point I'm trying to make. I don't expect you to go for girls you don't find attractive because a relationship needs attraction and sexual chemistry. So you admit that looks matter. If looks matter to you, looks matter to a girl. You can't expect her to say yes to you if she finds you unattractive, when you won't do the reverse. A true bad choice would be if she said yes to you even if she feels nothing for you. It wastes both your time and hers. - +1 y
Trust me, it's more polite and complete to give someone a reason for rejection if they ask, regardless. Yeah it might sound kinder to say "someday you'll make some girl very lucky but you're just not for me," but I'd like to know why I'm not for her. So you'd rather not only not tell him why he's not your type but then you'll go further to lie and say you're not looking for anyone? Girls sure have an odd sense of what's kind and nice. I don't expect her to say yes if she doesn't find me attractive, but I'd like to know what makes me so unattractive to her, especially since I apparently turn a lot of attractive ones off. Maybe there's some consensus among all or most of them as to why I'm unattractive. I mean as I've been saying, I have good reasoning. She apparently doesn't.
- +1 y
I just really think they reject me for shallow, narrow minded reasons that they don't want to admit because it would make them look like sick people. Otherwise, why doesn't one of them spit it out? I also won't date a fat girl because she obviously is just desperate and wants somebody, period. So even she doesn't want me either, but she's out of options. The prettier, slimmer girl isn't, so she doesn't have to settle for me. I don't want to be with someone just because I'm her last resort. I gather this because every girl who likes me is fat and every girl who turns me down is not.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Ok, let's get something clear. You reject fat girls because "they're desperate and out of options" and girls reject you because they find your looks/personality unattractive. Yet you call the attractive girls "shallow and narrow-minded" when their reasons are no more superficial than yours. You're allowed to have preferences and you shouldn't settle for someone you don't find unattractive, but girls get that privilege too then. If that makes them "sick people" you're no better than them.
We say these white lies because we just can't win. If we say "I won't date you, you're boring/you're ugly/we have nothing in common," we get called out for being rude or stuck up. And now it seems, if we say "you're not my type but you'll make someone else very happy" to spare a guy's ego right after we reject him, we're "sick people who can't admit it." Girls just can't win with you, can they? - +1 y
What do you not understand? I'm not considering my lack of attraction toward fat girls to be shallow. I can explain why that's a turn off; I gave SEVERAL reasons for this. At least somewhere. I'm tired of repeating it to so many, but girls who reject me for being bald for example have no good reasons for it! They can't explain why that's bad, and hell, usually don't even tell me that's the reason! Why? THAT's why my deal breaker isn't shallow but theirs is. Do you get that? And Why can I tell the reason why I'm rejecting, but others can't? BECAUSE THEY FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT! They know they're in the wrong for turning someone down for baldness, when whatever man they get eventually will be bald himself eventually.
- +1 y
And those 'white lies' can be tolerated by some men who don't have the highest ego in the world, such as myself. I ask her to be honest with me. But it's hard to communicate if she just plain ole doesn't text or fb back or whatever; she just cuts communication off altogether, which is a dick move IMO. I wouldn't do that. I mean if it's a problem I can fix, I'd like to know about it so that I can fix it and be better prepared for the next; I like to fix shit, not let problems dwell and then tuck tail and haul ass from them.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Your reason for rejecting fat girls is that they're "desperate and have no other options." So if a girl straight up told you that she doesn't like you because "your baldness is unattractive, I prefer guys with hair," or "I don't like the fact that you're not established yet, and I don't want to start a relationship with you because you have no money," you'd be fine with that? Your reasoning basically is you're allowed to care about people's appearance as long as you say to their face "Girl, I won't date you cuz you're fat and desperate." When a fat girl hits on you, is that what you say to her? Because you can use the same reasoning here then: if girls know "they're in the wrong for turning down someone for baldness when men get bald anyway," then the fat girls can say "oh, women lose their bodies as they get older, so you might as well date me now." If that reasoning sounds stupid to you, it's because it's the same reasoning you're using.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
And honestly, attractiveness isn't so scientific as that. You can't make a list of qualities, and expect the guy who fits that list to be the One. Attraction is more than looks, it's about a connection, sexual chemistry; it's either there or it isn't. So when you ask girls to why they're not attracted to you, they won't be able to tell you a specific answer, because it's not as easy as that. The guy that I last liked wasn't someone who was traditionally handsome; he was short, broke as hell, drove a beaten down Toyota with a mirror missing, and not even very attractive. But I felt for him what I didn't feel for the more traditionally good-looking guys I turned down. Why? The hell if I know. I felt happy when I was around him, he made me laugh like never before, and he gave me butterflies with every touch. But I can't explain WHY that was. It just was.
- +1 y
"your baldness is unattractive, I prefer guys with hair," or "I don't like the fact that you're not established yet, and I don't want to start a relationship with you because you have no money,". Of course I wouldn't be fine with that. But that's NOT the only reason I won't date fat girls; I won't because they look bad to me and feel bad to me in bed, I can't pick them up, and as far as long term partners, she's going to encounter health problems. She's more than likely going to get fatter with age too. A bald head has no negatives to it. I'm just missing hair there. That's all!! A man having no hair is NOTHING like someone being fat and out of shape. You can't make a fat, out of shape person look good in any form or fashion, but you can with a baldie.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
"A bald head has no negatives to it" says the bald man. Maybe to girls, it's unattractive. I can't tell you their reason because I'm not them, but neither can you. It may not even be as simple as your lack of hair; it could be a whole other aspect of your looks or personality. The fact of the matter is, you can't judge someone for their preferences and neither can you change them. You can reason it however the way you want to, but the fact remains girls you're attracted to won't date you. Calling them irrational or shallow isn't going to make them more amenable either; in fact, it's a huge turnoff when someone blames their problems on other people. If something happens regularly, it usually means it's you. So I would take a good long look at myself before I call out other people for their faults.
I've said my piece, whether you take this advice is up to you. But if you were so confident nothing's wrong with you in the first place, you'd be getting girls. Their absence speaks volumes. - +1 y
THAT'S MY POINT!! I can't think of any reasons as to why a bald head on a man is unattractive, you can't think of any... WHO CAN? I know I can't change their DEAL BREAKERS (not preferences), but if it is in fact something related to my personality or other aspects of my looks, they could at least woman up and tell me what it is, even if they have to say they're a little narrow minded and were brought up spoiled, always having what they wanted to a T. My point is, I don't have the problem; THEY do. They should've been raised better, and this is indicative that this spoiled ass, selfish, self-centered country needs to focus on developing the basic unit of any nation, the family, better. EVERYONE keeps telling me that SAME shit about examining my own self, when I've been doing that forever!!! I'm gonna say this ONE MORE TIME... They tell me nothing is wrong with me; I don't see anything wrong with me. How the hell, therefore, am I suppose to fix something that's wrong
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I'm telling you I can't think of WHY because I'M not THEM. Doesn't mean that they don't have their own reasons. And honestly, I just told you that attraction or chemistry isn't something you can quantify, yet you insist on doing exactly that. No, they're not spoiled or narrow-minded, because then everyone who has a bit of preference can be called the same, including you. One girl can reject you for one thing while another can reject you for something completely different. Either way, they don't HAVE to explain themselves to you; yes, they may say why, but they're not REQUIRED to do so. This isn't a job interview where if you don't get the job, you can ask what you can do better for the next one. If she says no, shrug it off and move on like a man. Because what else are you going to do, get plastic surgery and get a whole new personality? Rejection is a part of life, but complaining and blaming other people certainly won't fix it.
- +1 y
If they have their own reasons, I haven't heard them. Attraction/chemistry IS something that you should be able to explain. This is why so many females get with bad boys during a certain phase in their lives and regret the shit out of it later when they’ve got kids and aren’t married to the sperm donor. THEY DON’T RATIONALIZE THEIR ATTRACTIONS! It’s NOT a justification; it’s a problem. Rationalizing will help them realize they shouldn’t be with those types. But noooo, they’re too damn spoiled and selfish to stop, sit their little pretty asses down, and think about themselves, the good guys they just can’t stand, and their futures (including their children).
- +1 y
The sooner people (men can be like that too I suppose) can learn to take control of their emotions, the sooner they’ll start making better, sounder, choices for now AND the future. Doesn't matter if they're not required to explain their DEAL BREAKERS, the fact that they hardly ever do is evidence that they have horrible reasons to break the deal. Never said they were required to explain, but they should. I think a good guy deserves at least that. Yeah, I'll "shrug off like a man" that doesn't know shit about what to do to improve my luck. Good call. Never said that blaming others would fix anything, but telling them what they're doing wrong for being selfish and not wanting others to prosper WOULD HELP them to realize they're asses and they need to improve. That's the kind of person I am: unselfish and I desire to see not just myself improve but others as well. It's bad enough being rejected, but being rejected and then not knowing why is just down right shitty.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Well, in that case, continue to "rationalize" your revulsion towards "fat girls" and be on your merry way. You seem to have our whole gender figured out, and determined into which neat little boxes we all fit, so I see no reason why you won't get with hordes of attractive girls in the future. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to get with an "unselfish" "good guy" such as yourself.
I wish the objects of your affection great luck and even greater forbearance. - +1 y
I didn't fit people into 'neat little boxes'. I'm just telling you what always seems to happen in my experience and the experiences of other, older guys and gals. You know, I even made a fake Plenty of Fish dating profile using pictures of me when I had hair, and saying that I was a doctor making 6 fig's. How about my responses were like 5x better than what they were for my profile of me being bald and a student. Goes to show what at least THESE women considered important.
- +1 y
I in fact have rationale for why I do not desire fat women, but the pretty girls don't have rationale for why they don't like bald guys. I can see it not being a preference, but it doesn't have to be a deal breaker. Still I've got no answer from you as to why the fat girls don't mind the bald but the slim, sexies do. So many people agree that being bald is a deal breaker, and that money is something that women chase after; older men at work, some married, some single, all said that money was number 1 for women. Many online articles say so. Classmates have said so. So am I generalizing or pulling this out of my ass? NO! It's a pretty broad consensus.
- +1 y
I don't know what type of girls you're going after because most women don't expect a guy to be wealthy especially if he's in college. Unless you're sleeping on you're parents couch or something I can't imagine it being an issue. I started dating my boyfriend when he was an apprentice at a tattoo parlor and barley made any money. It was definitely frustrating at times especially when I wanted to go out for a nice dinner or take a trip out of town but we eventually go through it. Now he's a successful tattoo artist and has a very healthy income. I think that for some reason you've just been approaching really shallow women.
05 Reply- +1 y
the last gf I had didn't want to admit it of course, but she was DEF pressured into getting married and having a kid soon since she's 27 and all her friends n family were there already. Kept crying "I want babies! I want babies! I wanna get married soon!" and all this shit. I told her we could start once I'm done with school in 3 years (that was in April, so now a little less than that), but nooooo "I don't want to be an old mom!". She would have been 30 starting a family! Most college ridden women are about 30 when they start! I don't know wtf she thought she'd be soooo old by then! Then she kept on about how she wanted "nice things" all the damn time.
- +1 y
Sure I wanted to give them to her, but I wanted her to be happy to be with me, not because she has "nice things". We basically broke up BECAUSE she wanted someone else with more money and a car, but of course she wouldn't admit to this. She blamed it on petty shit like me having dirty underwear in a suitcase when I took a trip somewhere. Or because I brought my clothes in a clear bag on a train to her place. Shit that no one else who loves his/her sig. other would complain about very much. I also let her pay for a box of pancake mix for me one time. Ooohhh... THAT made shit hit the fan! It just let me know she was ready to go, so I set her nick picky, gold diggin' ass free!
- +1 y
Well you can't blame a woman for wanting to start a family. She didn't just break up with you just because you couldn't take her out for nice dinners but because you couldn't have kids when she wanted. However I agree that three years wouldn't have been that long to wait.
- +1 y
No, I can't blame her for wanting to start a family, but she could've waited just a few years for me. Was I not worth it? Was her family not worth it? Think about it, instead of waiting 3 years for me, what else would she do? Rush into another relationship with someone else with more money, get married to him, and start dropping suckers before 3 years are up? Kinda rushing it don't ya think? Yet she claims that rushing was a problem she regrets from past relationships. Kids aren't things that you just have when you want, they're people. You should have them when it's best for you AND for them. I think a family is worth my planning, preparation and patience.
- +1 y
I completely agree with you I'm just saying that her reasoning wasn't completely shallow.
- +1 y
I agree with you, I've liked guys who didn't have any money and lived incredible moments of passion, had good conversations, etc. You have no idea how much my ex and I struggled financially during the first 10 years of marriage and I toughed it out. If a woman really loves you, she'll love you no matter what and will stick by your side to support you in difficult times. This is what makes real love grow. You don't need superficial girls who will go out with you only if you have money or a nice car.
13 Reply- +1 y
Thank You for the first sensible, intelligent response I've read so far to this! It goes without surprise, since you're an older, thus probably more mature woman. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE older women; a lot of them are sexy and I've been with a couple and DON'T believe that old=ugly! I just believe older women gotta leg up on the youngin's as far as maturity and wisdom go. This is a reason why I kinda hate being in my 20's. I digress. I thought I was on Yahoo answers all over again after reading those first 3 comments!!! But yes you're absolutely right, superficial girls suck, and there are just too many of them! And finally, I celebrate you on you longsuffering character; it really shines beautifully!!
- +1 y
Though it helps to have some financial stability because it makes the relationship less stressful. The guy does not need to be rich, but we should not have to worry about being able to pay the bills together.
- +1 y
Well I do recommend being financially stable once a man and woman are married, especially if kids are being planned for. But while he and she are dating in college, there shouldn't be an issue of him or her having enough money as long as they can take care of food, clothes, and other basic necessities. Each should hold his/her own and shouldn't be smooching off of the other unless it's on the lips. That's what I expect. And I also buy her gifts and pay for dates, but of course nothing too expensive for now.
What Girls & Guys Said
- +1 y
Women want what they want just like men want what they want.
You mentioned about fat girls wanting you. Think about one of those fat girls writing this same exact post but replacing everything with guys going for thin girls instead of her just like how you say girls around going after guys with money.
The thing is, neither is really wrong or right. I totally disagree with girls going after rich guys, especially when they aren't rich themselves but what she does is still her business. You don't have to deal with these women. You are very well off dodging these girls. They are doing you a favor if that is what they're really after.
There are indeed a lot of girls who aren't after a guy's money. They are just rare. Many girls do claim they don't look at a guy's money when they really do. This is why you just hide those little facts. Early on just say you work in a medical office and don't mention the position so she doesn't have an idea of what the income per year may be. If you notice she's focusing on it, that's your cue that she could be a gold digger. If anything, rich guys are really the ones who have the right to complain about the gold diggers. They're the ones who get screwed on dates. Poorer guys shouldn't have anything to complain about as gold diggers don't give a shit about them.11 Reply- +1 y
A LOT of girls go after rich guys, ESPECIALLY when they're broke... and tired of being broke and too lazy to go to work/school herself. I've known sooo many females going after dope boys, and I'm sure it wasn't because his business was very ethical. Where have you been?
So why hasn't an at least average looking girl accepted me yet but only fat ones have? I have my theory, what's yours?
There are A LOT of girls who aren't after a guy's money, but they're RARE? Sounds contradictory. But wealthier guys can at least score with them, long as he's not a total idiot. Me being poor, all I can get is a fat chick.
341 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. First, you can't always get what you want. Even the rich can't. That is why many of them have substance abuse problems. Always chasing happiness.
Second, this is the time where you should take that negativity and use it to push you to your goals. Strive to be the best so you can earn the most. If a persons potential future set them with rewards today, few would ever succeed as the motivation driving them is lost.
Third, just because you are going into the medical field doesn't mean you will be instantly wealthy. I know doctors so far in student loan debt they couldn't fully reap the financial benefits until they were in their 40's. That same education today is far more expensive.23 Reply- +1 y
Yeah I know we can't always get what we want. And trust me, I've BEEN, BEEN converting that negativity to fuel for my competitive drive towards my goal! Finally, NEVER did I say I will be instantly wealthy, whatever you define as wealthy. Just affluent enough to where most girls are going to be a lot more compliant with me when I ask them out. And a lot of docs are getting paid more as well.
- +1 y
Not all positions in the medical field will make you a millionaire. A lot have like 30, 40 50 thousand or more in debt from student loans.
- +1 y
Is that a fact? Didn't know that. Could've sworn every doctor there is in the whole world makes 50 billion a year! DAMN stop with this annoying shit!!! Doctors make anywhere from 80k to... hell 900k, maybe even more or less, and student loan debt varies big time too, but this shit is not at all the point!!! The point is that I'll have plenty to have a decent house, couple of nice cars, and the ability to pay off my loans. You don't have to be a millionaire to get good looking chicks.
A woman who wants to date a financially stable man is not stuck up or mean, she's simply planning for her future. A woman in her mid to late twenties (I'm assuming based on your age that these are the women you are targeting) is likely looking to settle down and start a family within the next few years, so it would be troubling to her if you aren't able to do so. I don't think that his makes them shallow or materialistic, but realistic and intelligent.
That being said, perhaps you should put dating on the back burner until you are more stable. There's nothing wrong with taking time to improve yourself before inviting someone else into your life.514 Reply- +1 y
'A woman in her mid to late twenties (I'm assuming based on your age that these are the women you are targeting) is likely looking to settle down and start a family within the next few years,', EEEHHHH!!! Wrong! Not the ones I've tried for. And what about when they were younger? They still dissed my ass then. What, you suggest me to go bone dry for 6 more years? WHILE I see my classmates get lucky all the time? Wow! You know some of the most successful relationships come from couples who STRUGGLED TOGETHER THROUGH THICK AND THIN! They planned for their futures by being with men who were going to be successful! They didn't need their men's money then because THEY WERE INDEPENDENT WOMEN! You represent America alright: selfish and definitely not longsuffering. Are those the characteristics you want in a wife? Or what a woman should want in a husband?
- +1 y
I don't expect my girlfriend to "struggle" with me when she could just as easily find someone who was financially stable. Most women aren't looking for a Bill Gates, just someone who has their shit together and can take them out for a nice dinner every once in a while. I don't think this is selfish. It's a preference. Similar to how you clearly do not want to date fat women, which I totally respect. I could easily say "a real man would be able to see past her fat..." but that wouldn't be fair to expect you to lower your standards for the sake of finding a mate. Everyone is superficial to some degree so I don't understand why you're placing all of the blame on women. The solution is to either change the type of women you are targeting or wait until you are stable to date.
- +1 y
So you don't expect your gf to be with you through thick and thin? She must be a seasonal chick for ya then. And that's what I'm able to do right now. But when a girl turns you down in spite of you being able to take her out to dinner every once in a while, to a movie or to bowling, and you buying her a gift on Christmas and on her b'day and sometimes just for no particular reason, then you've got a gold digging bitch on your hands. And trust, as I've told everyone else, I've looked passed the fat on a woman before and dated her. Not just once or twice, but a few times. And I couldn't make love to her! BECAUSE I'M NOT ATTRACTED! Not because I'm not a real man!! If her body doesn't feel good to me, what am I supposed to do, pop a blue pill for her? Lowering standards can actually help a number of people, but not me. And who placed all the blame on women? The big picture solution is to change how women are raised!!
- +1 y
Because dear fellow, lowering MY standards would me dating fat girls. But I'm going to say this ONE MORE TIME... I've dated them before, and found they're not my type. I couldn't get romantic with them. Why would I cont. to date them? Why would I date anymore of them? Would that make any fucking sense? THAT's why lowering MY standards wouldn't work for me. The girls need to get passed a bald head or me being 5'9"/5'10" and not at least 6'. Baldness is NOT unhealthy. Being under 6' is NOT unhealthy. None of these features are ugly either actually, unless the feel of hair on a guys head makes her wet or some shit. I'm taller than the girls I go after btw. And wtf should money have to do with dating and romance? If we're both carrying our own weight like we're supposed to, then wtf is the problem?
- +1 y
You're missing my point. It's ridiculous for you to expect women to lower their standards for you because YOU think it isn't unattractive. Well obviously these women find it unattractive, and that's perfectly fine. Some women prefer baldness, and some don't. Some women prefer skinny guys, and some prefer chubby one's. Some women prefer guys with facial hair, and some like their men clean shaven. It's a fucking preference. Just because these preferences aren't in your favor it doesn't make them invalid or shallow. And yes, money DOES play a roll when your contemplating on spending your life with someone. We don't live in a fairy tale where money isn't an object.
- +1 y
Apparently, the vast majority of females in my cohort don't like bald, so to correct you, VERY FEW women prefer baldness, MOST women don't. What makes someone shallow, which is the point that YOU'RE missing, is to have a "preference" (truly a deal breaker) that is not only out of the other's control, but also isn't unhealthy, such as a man being bald (baldness is very common among men), or a man being of a different race. At least these girls are MOST DEF not open minded. And I know I've mentioned this very recently to someone on here, but I am NOT expecting someone to be with someone totally broke with no future. I'm going to be a doctor. By time she and I are to be married and have a family, I will be financially sustained. But she and I can DATE for now, without me having a lot of money. I have some, but not much. Hopefully she realizes she has two hands and feet and a brain like I, and can work for herself as well (independent woman).
- +1 y
Start a family, IN A FEW YEARS! Guess what I'm gonna be in a few years... A DOCTOR!! The girl isn't just planning for her future when she rejects me for not owning a really nice car or some shit. She's being materialistic, buddy. It would be troubling to ME to know that she isn't an independent woman.
- +1 y
Being a doctor doesn't instantly make you rich, BUDDY. My mother was a doctor so I know the drill. it takes years to pay off all of those student loans and get in the swing of things. And honestly, your income probably isn't the only reason you're being rejected. You have a sense of entitlement to you. It's almost as if you think you have a right to any selection of women you want. You need to humble yourself and you'd probably have a lot more success in the romance department.
- +1 y
WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU IT MAKES ANYONE INSTANTLY RICH DUDE!!! You're just putting words in my mouth now!! That entitlement bullcrap is so not true! I approach these girls like a gentleman, with respect and a smile. But they look at me like I'm not shit or something sometimes. Or they'll talk to me for a while just to stop texting me back all the sudden. If I humble myself anymore, Mr. ASSumption Maker, I will have to make an appt. just to lick her ass crack before I can speak to her! I'm one of the most modest guys you'll ever meet! I don't expect every attractive girl (by attractive, I mean at least average or even almost average) to fall for me like you're thinking. I just expect maybe 1 out of 10 perhaps... if that goal doesn't sound too entitling for a decent looking man with a good heart, sir.
- +1 y
I'm not making an assumption, but you've got this idea that you're going to become financially stable once you're a doctor which isn't necessarily true. And like I said, if you're being overlooked by THAT many women than it goes a lot deeper than finances. Being unstable isn't exactly rare these days, so you need to figure out what's really repelling women from you.
- +1 y
Dude do you know what the average income is for a physician? It varies by specialty yes, but even a general practitioner, general dentist, or a podiatrist banks. What you think I'm gonna be a shitty doctor or something? And you know what's funny, the only ones I DON'T repel, and I mean I seem to not repel these AT ALL, are the fat ones. Not thick and shapely, not just a little pudge, but I mean FAT in the mid section and no curves in the right places at all. Think about that
As if people in general don't treat you like shit when you don't have money? As if certain men/women won't be your friends/talk to you if you don't have money?
The reality is that people want what they want. You feel entitled to attractive women, yet feel too stuck up to date the fatties that are interested in you. If you're going to dismiss someone out of your life, for your own shallow reasons. You don't have room to talk when someone else wants to dismiss you for their own shallow reasons.
You aren't willing to date a fat person, Why should any one be willing to date you if you're poor?357 Reply- +1 y
Of course people treat you like crap when you don't have money; THAT'S MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT!!! Girls treat me like crap now BECAUSE I don't have a lot of money. Attractive = at least average looking, NOT 9's and 10's exclusively. HOW IN THE FUCK AM I SHALLOW IF I DATED THEM AND IT DIDN'T WORK OUT SO I DON'T DATE THAT TYPE ANYMORE? I'm tired of explaining this. Just read the other posts.
- +1 y
Then it isn't just women. Why do you expect exceptional treatment from women when men treat you the same way? Your line of thinking is highly irrational.
You are shallow if you believe that YOU ARE ENTITLED to have a preference, and that women are not allowed to have a preference for dating that excludes you. It isn't that complicated. And for the record, I have read the other posts. You sound like a highly emotional and repulsive person to be around. - +1 y
"Of course people treat you like crap when you don't have money; THAT'S MY WHOLE FUCKING POINT!!!" Men are included in the term people.
Of course men treat you like crap. You probably just punk out and/or ignore it when it happens and turn all you aggression and rejection onto women. - +1 y
I think you're just being pissy now. The bottom line is this: I have good reason for turning down fat women, and I've explained them. But girls don't have any good reasons for shooting me down for being bald. There's just no rationality to that. There IS with rejecting someone fat. Being bald is NOTHING like being fat. Therefore, these girls who turn me down for being bald are not just shallow but CLOSE MINDED. I'm open minded because I at least gave fat girls a chance and I think about how our future would be affected if we cont. with a relationship
- +1 y
LMAO apparently you think you are a beautiful individual snowflake that is gods gift to women.
As many people have already said, you are disgusting, apparently on the outside as well as the inside., which makes you repulsive to people in general. Try not to go on a rage homicidal rampage Elliot 2.0. - +1 y
See you're just jumping the fucking gun now. And no I'm never punked out by any got damn body. Everyone around me know this, but of course you don't since you don't know me worth a shit, but you insist on making all of these shitty assumptions on me. Yeah you're just being a total BITCH!!! NO ONE said I am disgusting. Just shut the fuck up and die already you sour shit.
- +1 y
lol is calling me a bitch supposed to hurt my fee-fee's? You're a child, an emotionally unstable psychotic child. And you wonder why women aren't attracted to you. You have nothing to offer but tantrums and rants. You're entitled and petty. Be glad that the fat chicks see something decent in you, because no one else can/or will.
- +1 y
bitch, I'm letting you know how I feel about you, and all you are trying to do is upset me even more. Why the hell would only fat chicks see something decent in me, huh? I'm right and you know it. Quit trying to piss folks off for a living and go do something better with your sorry ass life. End of Discussion.
- +1 y
Lmao as if your fee-fee's are important. Its funny that you think I care though. You spend your whole life being pissed off and blaming people for your short comings and failure as a human being. It's not my problem kid. You want to talk about sorry? I'm not the one on the internet asking why no one likes my sociopathic bald, short self. Perhaps you need to relearn the definition of sorry.
Take your own advice and do something meaningful, maybe people would actually like you. Or you could keep behaving like a child. Its entertaining watching guys like you throw a shitstorm of a tantrum when the world tells you, that you aren't owed an attractive woman to fall at your feet and lick your nut sack. - +1 y
You dumb ass, I don't blame others for my own short comings. I'm asking a question and venting, which is healthy when you have something on your chest. An ass like yourself wouldn't get that though I suppose. 5'10", the average height for a man in the U. S. is short to you? I'm only cursing you and maybe a couple others out. A lot of others are agreeing with me and I'm able to have a FUCKING DECENT MATURE CONVERSATION with them!! Seems like you're just here to STIR UP a shitstorm; Yeah, you're a total BITCH alright.
- +1 y
haha You keep telling yourself that. Do you hear that? That is the sound of attractive women about to stomp me to death whilst they stampede to your irresistible charms. You can totally see that their panties are soaked to the bone from your many bitch fest. Apparently the world of attractive women are totally in awe of your healthy venting and are in agreement of how they've all been mean bitches that kicked you down. I'll bid my good bye to this cruel world, I wish with my life, I could have been a mature bitch, instead of a total bitch XP <--thats a dead face from the stampede.
- +1 y
This is the best thread I've read in awhile. <3
- +1 y
Lol You consider yourself to be a rational human being? There is no way that you ARE NOT a troll. No one can honestly reason the way you do, well I suppose no one like Elliot Rogers. Oh wait I'm not supposed to be talking. *Here lies washize, whose life was ended too shortly and tragically by the crushing entitlement and unrealistic dreams of a bald man who only dared to be loved by the9's/10's of the world and absolutely NO FATTIES. Here she may rest in peace in a quiet grave where the dating life of anonymous ended. May we honor washize today, by whispering the mating call of the obviously great anonymous, whose suave words caused the vulva shattering phrase that caused her to be stomped to death by attractive women 'seriously nothing lower than an 8', may we say "Bitch, mean bitches don't want me... bitch *tantrum*"
- +1 y
Biiiiiiiitch, why don't you actually stop engaging with me instead of talking about it? Apparently there isn't anything going on in your neck of the woods... expect for fatties anyways. I'm not misconstruing anything, you're full of hypocritical/delusional bullshit. But you keep on thinking you're a prefect princess that deserves the handsomest prince. On your quest for a better life try to learn some more sexist curse words to broaden your vocabulary. Cunt is a pretty popular one, it describes you perfectly ;)
- +1 y
Do you think that in the end you will have retribution?
- +1 y
Why the HELL you decided to turn this into a fucking name calling/condescending war and think that's gonna help somehow I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!! But you salty bitches really need to get off my back for having a reasonable DEAL BREAKER and me not agreeing with girls who have UNreasonable DEAL BREAKERS. NEVER did I say "I'm entitled to attractive women". YOU ASSumed THAT!!! I hate it when people try to justify their attraction for the wrong damn people with some stupid irrational in-the-magic-black-box-which-no one-can-debunk reason.
"You aren't willing to date a fat person, Why should any one be willing to date you if you're poor?": WHAT A STUPID ASS STATEMENT!!! Why should Michelle Obama have been willing to date Barack Obama back when he had little and a hole in the floor of his car? REAL WOMEN STICK BY THEIR MEN THROUGH THICK AND THIN BITCH!! Get over it! There's a perfectly sound reason why a woman should date me now, and there isn't one for why I should date fat women. - +1 y
You keep showing why no one is attracted to your poor Mcbaldy bald. You're a disgusting person inside and out. No one wants you to be their man because you've got a shitty sense of perception and a really nasty personality. No one is REQUIRED to date you and stand by your side because you say so. There are plenty of poor bald men who manage getting women. If you can't attract anyone, then you should take a look at your personality and thought process. Perhaps fat women are attracted to you because they are desperate. In your case beggars can't be choosers. Either take what you can get, or buy a wig/get a better job and shut up.
- +1 y
I haven't seen too many ATTRACTIVE women get with poor, bald guys. My personality is just fine asshole! Get a better job? Bitch, I'm going to be a doctor! I can't get a good job while I'm still in school! See this is why I should just quit responding to your stupid ASS!!! You are NOT tactful of how you approach people at all!! And I'M the one with the nasty personality?
- +1 y
LMAO you've been calling everyone a bitch since you've started this question and you're crying about being called baldy. Get over yourself kid. If you're such a perfect angel, that everyone loves, then why can't you get a date from someone who isn't morbidly obese? Its apparent that you lack something or multiple things that an array of people consider you to have, in order to be perceived as a viable option for partnership. You are combative, sensitive, narcissistic, sexist, and delusional. Those aren't attractive qualities in the least.
- +1 y
Be fair? It's shallow to dislike a MAN for a bald head or because he's going to make it one day but hasn't yet, still in school, struggling. It shows that she's not there for her man through thick and thin. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KEEP REPEATING THIS SHIT!!! And I DON'T go for women JUST for their looks!! NEVER did I say that! I will turn down a hot girl if she's... well like you, A TOTAL BITCH!!!
- +1 y
Lol keep going, Asker, and you may get your very own Encyclopedia Dramatica page. :D
- +1 y
WHO THE FUCK SAID SHE SHOULD DATE ME JUST FOR THAT DUMB ASS? DAMN!! y'all just keep putting fucking words in my mouth!! I'm great guy, THAT'S why she should date me. She shouldn't turn me down JUST because I'm bald and don't have much money now. DAMN! Why can't you get that through you THICK ASS SKULL?
- +1 y
" It's shallow to dislike a MAN for a bald head or because he's going to make it one day but hasn't yet, still in school, struggling." Actually you keep saying it over and over again. Also you seem to be under the impression that you are being rejected SOLELY because of those reasons. Being poor, and bald, don't help your chances. But being a sexist shit wad is just the nail in the coffin where your dating life lies. The fact is you aren't a great guy. And no one has to date you if they aren't interested in you. If you were such a great guy, you would be in a relationship right now, and you aren't. You're using being bald and poor as a way to blame women for your bad qualities and behaviors. Instead of owning up to being a repulsive asshole, you blame "da shallow womens" for not giving you an undeserved "chance".
- +1 y
When the hell was I sexist TO THE GIRLS I TRIED TO DATE? You really think I talk to them the way I talk to you? Fuck no! I mean don't get me wrong I'll give her a piece of my mind if she's being a narrow little shit. Where do you get this insane shit like: "The fact is you aren't a great guy. And no one has to date you if they aren't interested in you. If you were such a great guy, you would be in a relationship right now, and you aren't.". OF COURSE I'm a great guy! I hold doors, pull out chairs, talk nice and sweet, I make her laugh, she herself tells me I'm cool and a great guy and all... that's what I mean, you don't FUCKING know me!!
- +1 y
And you're ASSuming so much shit!!! And where the hell was I sexist? I DAMN SURE deserve a chance with any woman I want, long as she's single and not taller than I am! I'm a great guy in many ways. Let any girl who got to know me tell you!! I'm being aggressive toward you because you were a bitch to me first! Finally, I'm not saying this shit anymore after this: I NEVER SAID THEY HAD TO DATE ME!! I'M SAYING THEY SHOULD BECAUSE THERE'S NO GOOD FUCKING REASON FOR THEM NOT TO!!!
- +1 y
Yes, the way you conduct yourself on the internet is a perfect glimpse into the true nature of a person. Being that the internet allows people to be anonymous, they suffer no social repercussions for showing their truest self and/or not abiding by social norms. with Holding doors, and pulling chairs makes you a great guy? It's called letting you down easily simpleton. Most men don't take kindly to being let down harshly and often turn violent in such cases. If a plethora of women keep telling you that "you're a great guy, but..." obviously you aren't that great. It isn't rocket science.
- +1 y
"the way you conduct yourself on the internet is a perfect glimpse into the true nature of a person". Did you just say that? Yes you did, WITHOUT THINKING!! People can also be totally different beings on the Internet because of THE EXACT SAME REASON YOU MENTIONED as to why people can be their true selves on the Internet. But can you read body language or sense tone over the Internet? Can you see the actions of these people over the Internet? NO!! Actions speak more loudly than words, baby. YOU ONLY GET TO KNOW ABOUT A PERSON TRUTHFULLY IN PERSON!!! It also is equally not rocket science that girls LIE THEIR FUCKING ASSES OFF to try to spare someone's feelings. Now why would one brush someone off with a candy coated lie instead of trying to help that someone for the future and structurally criticizing them with tact? Now I know thinking isn't a task you're accustomed to, but TRY thinking about that.
- +1 y
No why would someone waste their time doing that when so many people are clearly unstable? It wasn't asked for, so why would a woman go out of her way to give a detailed explaination of why she doesn't want you? Either way you won't believe her answer. You'll think that she's a shallow bitch with unrealistic expectations. You'll think that she doesn't know what she wants and that she should give you a chance anyways. Or you'll think that she's a dumbass who only wants to date bad boys. You're a wall, nothing gets past that bald head and disturbing complex of yours. I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't one rejection away from your own homicidal murdering spree. You are really disillusional if you think it is the responsibility of women to mold you into something/someone that they would find attractive. You can't take criticism or anyone calling you less than perfect. You're a nut job.
- +1 y
Also, family, friends, no one ever told me I was a bad guy. I HAVE been told that I was "too nice" by a girl. I've also been told by another that she turned me down because I was bald. Crazy huh? "Holding doors, and pulling chairs makes you a great guy?", And you have STILL failed to explain how holding doors and pulling out chairs aren't attributes to being a good man.
- +1 y
Once again, its called being let down easily genius. Look at that! you got an honest rejection, and it still wasn't good enough for you. You just can't handle rejection dude, regardless of how painfully true it is, or how sugar coated it is. Being a good person and a decent human being requires more than holding doors, and pulling chairs, if that was all it took to be a good man, every bellhop and doorman of the world would be considered a saint. Once again kid this isn't rocket science. LMAO who cares if I got 4 negative votes? From butthurt Elliot Rodgers like yourself? They're probably loading their guns and planning their mass murders for being rejected as we speak.
- +1 y
How the fuck is it going out her way? Why do I 'go out of my way' to explain to a fat girl why I don't want her but the stuck up shallow bitch who doesn't date bald or broke guys just shouldn't do it? BECAUSE I FUCKING CARE ABOUT HER UNLIKE THE SHALLOW BITCH DOES FOR ME!!! Who the fuck said I wouldn't believe her explanation... see you just KEEP ASSuming shit!! Stop that!! If she'll give me a good reason, then fine! But if it's not a good reason, then yes she IS in fact a stuck up shallow bitch. "You're a wall, nothing gets past that bald head and disturbing complex of yours", was that really necessary? See how YOU are? No better of a person than I am obviously! Where do I have to be molded by anyone? I’m fine just how I am. Homicidal? Me? All I've got to live for and like some stupid ass I'd go out on a spree like that? OMFG!!! YOU'RE DISMISSED!!!
- +1 y
I handle rejection THAT MAKES SENSE!! If the shit is shallow, I call it out! I don't appreciate shallow, narrow ass people!!! You dumb ass, I said those were ATTRIBUTES to being a good man, NOT the only qualifications!!! And oh yeah, just because somebody marked negatively an opinion that obviously a bitch wrote they MUST be homicidals!! You're NOT always right. Remember that.
- +1 y
lol God, you're so unstable. Its funny because, apparently no reason is a "good" reason in your mind for a woman to reject you. I can see why you're such a great guy. That must be why you keep getting rejected. Well it seems like you've got it all figured out and that is apparently why you are swimming in attractive poon.
- +1 y
no reason is a "good" reason? Don't you mean bad reason? What must be the reason I keep getting rejected? Oh and you said that fat girls come my way because they're desperate? Yeah I thought so too. So guess what... ANOTHER reason why I shouldn't be with them! Would you be with someone knowing they're only with you because they're desperate? Anyway, off of provoking your mind to think which is obviously a futile attempt, once I get paid I WILL be swimming... and you forgot diving, into attractive poon.
- +1 y
Did you know that there's a whole Wikipedia article about you?
Your mentality is so common amongst men who get rejected, that just an Urban Dictionary definition wasn't enough. - +1 y
In you're case, you should take what you can get. You smell of desperation, so birds of a feather in that regard."If" you become a doctor kid. And by your own reasoning, you wouldn't want any of that attractive poon, because none of those women "stood by your brokeass bald side". So you're going to be chasing after gold digging poon and complaining about how no one STILL doesn't give a shit about you.
- +1 y
I don't see you as a man, just a bald, pathetic accident. You won't date fat chicks because you're delusional and think that you can do better. Come on, we've been over this. Was that a lame attempt at trying to insult me? lol so you've moved on from calling me a bitch. I see you've taken my advice and upgraded to cunt. Insinuating I'm a whore and making fun of my GAG name isn't making the cut. I know that would crush your fragile ego and sense of self worth, but you'll have to work harder to try me kid.
The only people who will be chasing you are the police and the victims filing malpractice lawsuits against you. - +1 y
Hell I CAN do and HAVE done better; I've had a handful of slimmer girls in my time. But they still turned out to be bitches. But yeah I fucked them :). I'm just telling you about yourself, fuck insulting, but I see you're still trying to insult me for whatever reason; I'm sure it's just those female hormones of yours that spring up every month running wild that need the strength of a man to tame that ass down. Forgive me for not being available for that, but I'm tied up handling another female, who's not as shitty as you, in just a few ;).
"The only people who will be chasing you are the police and the victims filing malpractice lawsuits against you." YOU FUCKING WISH!! I take it you can't find those oxy's anymore. What, made too many attempts? - +1 y
Lmao, so now you're just having a fantasy orgy? These women are just magically popping out of the shadows after you've been raging for the past few days about not being able to get anyone besides fat women? Whatever you have to do to make it through your sad pathetic life. You keep day dreaming about my family members stripping for you. If that keeps you from going on a homicidal rampage, I'm all for it. Hey you can even imagine/day dream that you have a full head of hair. With your imagination, anything is possible!
- +1 y
I'm sorry, do you know what an orgy is? See how retarded you sound? I said "ANOTHER FEMALE"! Didn't say shit about multiple people. Why does it have to be a fantasy? You're still insisting I can't get any girls huh? Dumb bitch, smdh. Yeah, I get not-fat ones from time to time. But it's still rare. And a hot family member that you MIGHT have probably will be doing a little more than stripping for me; course she's gotta do that first before I get to the vag. Don't have to imagine a full head of hair. Again, it doesn't bother me, just the bitches who deny me for it. I'm tired of repeating shit that you don't get. But I'm perfectly confident w/o my hair. Look great w/o it too! And will you quit with that homicidal rampage bullshit already? Why'd you just start making up shit about me? I guess a fantasy helps YOU sleep at night, but naw babe, none for me thank you. Fantasies are for KIDS!!
- +1 y
Had to repost this since the system accidentally took it down:
What degenerate who calls herself 'washize' on here said I wouldn't want the poon? The physical body of a female and her mind are two different things. OF COURSE I'd want the poon! I'm still straight! I'll just hit it and quit it. That's what y'all like anyway right, so that people like you and that manly looking tranny MaskedSanity can see me as a man? And no chasing cause they'll chase me! :)
If I'm sooooo desperate, then why won't I date the fat girls? Dumb ass. Look, get the hair out of your ass and quit trying to insult me so damn much! Do something better with you life or just overdose the oxy you have on your night stand since you've probably been contemplating it anyway I'm sure!
- +1 y
Well I personally don't care about the amount of money a guy has. My family is really fortunate and my parents are both in the medical field so money has never really been a problem that I've been aware of.
I'm always scared a guy will be quick to judge and think I'm snotty because of the amount of money my family has, its isn't a huge amount but we have a decently sized property and I'm always worried about what people will think of it for some reason.01 Reply - +1 y
You aren't attracting what you want, re-think what you're doing/not doing and try again. Simple. Yes, we can whine about attracting the wrong people but why not stop and think on how to attract the right ones?
15 Reply- +1 y
I've stopped and though, and stopped and though a billion other times! Trust me, I've been doing this LOOOONG before even coming on this site. If I have a good heart, am a gentleman, treat women with respect, am faithful, can make decisions on my own, am fun loving, buy her gifts for no reason, am taller, am in shape, have a job, have a great future, am educated, and am good with children, then how the hell am I not attracting the right ones? Do the decent looking females not like any of that?
- +1 y
It's not as easy as people think to meet the right person and then also have them like you as much as you like them. This is challenging and I've learned that, too. It's just a numbers game and you keep going, it WILL happen :)
- +1 y
I think we all get frustrated by the opposite sex and need to vent, so your tone maybe they took it the wrong way. But there are times guys drive me to that tone as well lol
- +1 y
yeah, right, I feel ya. But there was only one line they are all beamed in on: but it's funny how I seem to get all my luck from the fat girls... go figure :( . No one EVER addressed why it would just be fat girls coming my way, and not any other girl. All they could say was "you're a shallow ass for not dating fat girls" and "no girl is required to give you attention" and shit like that. SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!! No justification provided for that phenomenon. But everyone knows that the fat girls are less wanted and thus get more desperate so they go after the guys no one else wants, and the slim pretty ones don't have to settle so they overlook me. But this question/rant is not even about why I don't like fat girls or whatever!!! As a matter of fact I started another question on that.
- +1 y
If the girl you're going for is held up on your wealth then that ain't the kind of girl you want to be going for.
42 Reply- +1 y
then what do you suggest, going with a girl who I don't find attractive instead? Then I won't be able to keep my eyes on her as we walk down the sidewalk, take a stroll in the park, or hang out with her and her hot friends with their bf's/husbands. I also won't be able to make love to her later on that night. Miserable relationship, don't ya think? Yes, there's more to a relationship than just sex/romance, but sex/romance is also a part, an important part of a relationship as everyone will agree. And without it, it's basically a friendship, which is what I'LL want with her but SHE'S not going to settle for just that. Only solution I find is getting the girls I want when I'm established, but never love them since they aren't and won't be worth it.
- +1 y
Not all attractive girls are in it for the money. you're certainly hanging around and looking up to the wrong people.
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
How do they know you're poor if they reject you before getting to know you?
It's a known fact that college students are broke so what does she expect? Anyways why go for those girls, find an attractive girl who's also in school she'll understand the money situation09 Reply- +1 y
Yeah, I thought so too. Been tried. One girl I tried only friend zoned me, started dating a 60 something year old multimillionaire (she was 21 at the time), and then quit her job at the strip club to live with him. Other girls would just stop talking to me for no known reason though. Like we can be in mid convo and she'll stop talking to me and I not hear from her for like a couple days or maybe even never. They suck ass. I'd never do that to anyone.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Dang what a bitch! I would never do that mid conversation even if I don't like the guy, I'll just let him talk then say Bye and walk away.
Maybe you need to improve your physical appearance- grow facial hair or shave, gain or lose weight, get toned by working out, grow your hair out or cut it, get a new hairstyle, get more into fashion, wear contacts or new glasses if you wear them... I'm assuming that these girls judge based on looks since they haven't gotten the chance to know you better
I'll admit though I friend zone a lot of guys if I don't find them physically attractive sorry but that's just how it is, guys do the same to me... Maybe go for average looking girls
I think I'll start going for average guys too
Good luck ^.^ - +1 y
oh well I meant in texting, not by phone or in person. And I told you, I'm bald, and no one has called me ugly. I've been called Handsome, cute, and sexy by many but not so much since I've been bald. I still have been called that some though. And I already go for average girls: when I say hot or slim/attractive, I basically mean not fat.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Being bald isn't a big deal you should have shaved it all off for all I know, wear a hat if it bothers you that much... Texting doesn't count, they could have forgot or their battery died or they just don't know what to reply
- +1 y
It is clean shaven. But it doesn't bother me at all; it hasn't bothered me in years. It DOES of course bother the females. I just feel like I can tolerate more than they can. How does texting not count? It's still communication. It's funny how my friends will never forget to text back and they ALWAYS know what to say in their replies; my family does as well. That's just no good justification at all. She should at least reply with something. Really, she's just afraid to tell the truth because it will make her look like the horrible person she is.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
To me texting is nothing because there's no real connection esp with people you hardly know, I had to learn that the hard way... If all you do is text but never actually hang out in person texting is just to kill time not form a real relationship with someone
- +1 y
Well of course no one ever said that's all I ever did with said girl. OF COURSE we hung out and talked on the phone, Skyped, whatever. But I mean it could be by text or Facebook, and she'll just stop responding to me. It happened a couple weeks back as a matter of fact. But then again she did move 4 hours away and I don't even have a car right now, so wouldn't work out anyway. But she's not like me, I would've dropped my balls and told her "hey, since we're so far away from each other now, a relationship may not work.". But I guess girls find it better somehow to just not say anything at all and leave the guy hanging... SOMEHOW, don't know how, but she rationalizes that silence is a more tactful method (or maybe she doesn't rationalize at all, which would explain her behavior).
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Lol actually that happens to me... She's acting like the guy in the situation.
Just forget about her and talk to someone else
Do you talk to multiple girls at a time? Doing so would help get you better chances instead of putting your eggs in one basket
Uh, not all girls are as materialistic as you seem to think. In fact, the majority of us aren't. The bottom line is, if we don't find your appearance and personality attractive, we're not going to want to date you. I doubt it has anything to do with your wealth. You may think that you're so great, but consider for a moment that you aren't as great as you think.
326 Reply- +1 y
This is coming from a damn youngin'. Did I say all girls are materialistic? NOOO!!! A LOT of you are, I'm older and more experienced, trust. So what are you suggesting, that I should THINK LESS of myself? That's low of you! I think I'm good enough to date an average fucking girl!!! DAMN!! And how many females got with guys for money? TOO DAMN MANY!! So many say a lot of girls are gonna be lined up for me once I'm a doctor. WONDER WHY THAT IS? Because my personality is gonna change? lmfao!!
- +1 y
I'm 24, not much younger than you are. Whoa jeez calm down. I was trying to be helpful but alright. I was just saying that maybe you should try improving yourself in other areas such as appearance or maybe trying to get a better sense of humor. Not to think less of yourself, just to improve. Good luck with your negative attitude.
- +1 y
Youngin' as in not so wise, regardless of age. And as a word from the wise, I believe you need to be more mindful of your wording; "You may think that you're so great, but consider for a moment that you aren't as great as you think." doesn't exactly come off as very ceremonious. I generally actually have a WONDERFUL positive optimistic attitude with girls that I approach, and I'm a good looking guy actually; I've been called cute and sexy by many, especially when I had hair. I'm a light skinned mixed guy, 5'10", and somewhat muscular in build. Finally, I have a GREAT sense of humor. Face it, most females are just too damn shallow, narrow, materialistic, and selfish.
- +1 y
Wow, dude.
I can definitely see why nobody likes you. You're arrogant, stubborn and confrontational. But sure, keep on blaming women for your failures, see how far that gets you lmao. - +1 y
What the hell? How the fuck are these accusations justified? Arrogant? How? I'm one of the most modest guys you'll meet!! I'm pissed at how everyone is responding to me! Stubborn? How? Everyone SHOULD be confrontational!!! What, am I supposed to be a damn tongue biter instead? You must be one of those chicks who tucks tail and haul ass when being confronted!! Yeah, see how far THAT gets you!!!
- +1 y
That tongue biting, tail tucking shit might work for females, but NOT for males. We can't do that in society and still be viewed as men. And I suppose I'm being stubborn for not dating the type that I know won't be my type from experience. I suppose someone is stubborn as shit for not dating someone who verbally abuses his mother and the girl's mother too right? Oh no, just keep giving him a chance... LIKE AN ASS!!!
- +1 y
You're shitting yourself, not acting like a "man". These are the whinings of an immature man child.
- +1 y
WTF are you talking about? What am I supposed to just never wonder why I'm being rejected for no good fucking reason at all? I'M the immature child, but I've been writing my responses in a mature manner while these dumb bitches have been all in my ass for one fucking statement that the question isn't even about and ASSuming too fucking much?
- +1 y
Lawl, please show me your mature posts, because all I can see here is namecalling and butthurt. - +1 y
Disagreeing with your opinion =/= trolling. - +1 y
bottom line, NEITHER of you two is contributing constructively to what I'm trying to get off my chest. So please just shut the fuck up, MaskedSanity go get some fucking surgery done or at least put on a lil' more make up (and eat some too so that your heart can be prettier), or start contributing more maturely to this question.
- +1 y
Actually, being condescending = being condescending.
Imma go cry myself to sleep now, but not before having sex with my amazing boyfriend. In fact, I think I'll give him a blowjob first. Oh, and cook a nice steak dinner, too.
Hmm... - +1 y
at opinion owner: So what, you've SEEN MaskedSanity? lol yeah, she's soooo beautiful: "I can definitely see why nobody likes you. You're arrogant, stubborn and confrontational. But sure, keep on blaming women for your failures, see how far that gets you lmao." "You're shitting yourself, not acting like a "man". These are the whinings of an immature man child." To Opinion Owner: if you REALLY think this is someone beautiful on the inside talking, you REALLY need to either A.) Make an appt. with a therapist of some sort to see about why you consider condescending talk to be "beautiful" or B.) Quit being impulsive and READ MORE CAREFULLY!!!
- +1 y
Still at it, eh? I guess going bald shrinks testicles at the same time.
Would you like a tampon? - +1 y
Do you honestly believe that any of your sad sad attempts at insulting me are going to stick? Lol and how is pleasing the person I love supposed to be insulting anyway?
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
ok i read the first couple sentences and some girls are just really stuck up but you know what saying you only get fat girls will get you know where you are probably an ass. girls aren't fat there is just more to love so not everyone loves guys for their money... ok now i read the last couple of lines and you seem ok but you know what you probably aren't looing for the right girls if girls can't see you are trying hard for what you want then you dont need them. but dont call women fat seriously dude
310 Reply- +1 y
Lmfao before you accuse me too of being fat I'm 4'11 and I'm only 100 lbs so listen here Hun she's right you sorta are an ass specially by the way you responded to someone who took there time to solve your problem I mean that's nuff said !! I guess it ain't those girls it's you ! You better get your act together..
- Opinion Owner+1 y
see you are an ass you just called me fat and you dont even know me im 5'8 and 115 pounds. i work out 40 minutes everyday. so no im not fat but you are an ass. no wonder girls dont want to date you
- +1 y
And as for you Artaa, this whole 'woman pride' bs needs to stop! My post was NOT about fat girls! I've dated fat girls, and I didn't like the experience. What do you expect me to do? Date them anyway? I bet you wouldn't date anyone you found out wasn't your type. Yeah I need to get my act together: maybe instead of being a hardworking, educated, sincere, nice, polite, honest, faithful, progressive, gentleman I should be that low life, dope dealing, lying, cheating, forgetful of kids asshole thug that you all are probably in love with.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
yea but then i said i read the last lines and that you were ok. bt now i know you definitely are an ass
- Opinion Owner+1 y
you are an ass because you call girls fat and because they are over weight you can't date them? why not? because they aren't perfect? let me tell you something neither are you!
- +1 y
Oh, oh, I'm soooo sorry... OBESE! BARIATRIC! MORE BOUNCE TO THE OUNCE! Does that make you feel better? NEVER did I say "I gotta date a perfect girl". I can date a thick girl WHO ISN'T PERFECT. I can date a thin girl WHO ISN'T PERFECT. But, oh yeah, I won't date a fat girl because she isn't perfect... think about what you're going to say before you say it, hun. Read my question "Am I an Ass for Not Being Able to Date Fat Women?". See how many think like you.
1.2K opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. I've dated attractive girls before and I'm not rich far from it actually. But I have my priorities straight and I work hard for what I do have. So I know the whole girls
not liking poorer guys is a crock of crap.04 Reply- +1 y
Yeah, if you're good looking with hair on your head, I bet it is easier for you although you're poor; it isn't JUST me being poor. I work hard as hell and have done so all my life myself. I have a great personality and attitude. There are just way too many shallow ass ho's out there. I know for a fact because that's been almost every girl I've encountered. Again, the shallow ones are the attractive ones, not the fat ones, and I'm also bald. It may not be a bad turn off for girls when they're in the 35 and up cohort, but in my mid twenties cohort, it is unfortunately.
- +1 y
by the way there are PLENTY of girls out there who DO in fact make the lack of a car and/or substantial income a deal breaker. I know THAT for a fact. That's why so many of these girls (usually black) date pimps and dope boys because they have money, although it's hot money, but the ho's don't care. That's the problem! They don't care about the guy's dirty business. All she cares about is her selfish ass self and she getting her crusty ass nails done and that funky as weave fixed. She doesn't even care about the fucked up influence this punk ass dude is bestowing on her child or the rough, perilous environment in which she's allowing her child to be brought up.
- +1 y
Depends on were you live as well big cities like new york if you live in the city it is not a big deal but if you live out were I live it is kind of a big deal. Bigger cities are filled with more gold diggers and unsavory women smaller towns have a lower overall population of bad women. And I work my hard as hell to I have been since I was 13 years old most kids around my age at that time did lemonade stands, mowing lawns or shores. I worked outside in the heat and cold ( later in a old warehouse) rebuilding, repairing and cleaning, moving, and unloading microwaves, fridges, very huge deep freezers, washers, dryers and ovens it was hard back breaking work that payed very little and there were and are only 3 people who work there a family friend who owns it my grandfather and me I did that from age 13 up to now but right now it is not my main job just a side thing. Point being you ain't the only one who works hard ;).
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Money has very little to do with getting a girl that you are attracted to. Most people are broke in college and I went to college and had a pos car and not a dime and got laid plenty and not by the fat girls either.
19 Reply- Opinion Owner+1 y
Yes and fat
- Opinion Owner+1 y
I just have fun with life with what I have.
- Opinion Owner+1 y
read the secret PLEASE. Do it for me and prove it and I will send you ten bucks
- Opinion Owner+1 y
The secret is not about that. Read the whole book and prove it and I swear I will send you twenty dollars. It will change your life.
- +1 y
Based on your responses to the people that disagreed with you, I'm going to say that you're an stuck-up asshole that isn't willing to compromise.
618 Reply- +1 y
you're a*
- +1 y
Because apparently girls aren't into bald guys & you have a problem with that, but it's okay for you to reject fat girls. & yeah, you're such an independent thinker but you refuse to see things from any point of view other than your own. Did you want us to tell you why you're "right"? lmao.
- +1 y
I DO have a problem with girls not being into bald guys. It's not unhealthy to be bald. And it's common for men to be bald. So yes, a female is SHALLOW for not dating a guy for that reason! Obesity IS unhealthy and it feels bad to the touch whenever I made out with one. And for most, it spells that they're lazy and gluttons. There are my good reasons. Any good reasons for not liking bald guys? If not, it's because THEY'RE FUCKING SHAAAALLLOOOOWWWW!!!
- +1 y
Or maybe you just need therapy.
- +1 y
Okay, we get it. Women are shallow. Now what was the point of this question again?
- +1 y
I highly doubt you have personal health concerns for every fat girl you reject.
What's more believable is that you rejected them, because you didn't find them attractive, which is fine - can't have a sexual relationship with someone you don't find attractive.
But then you get your panties in a bunch when women reject you for the same reason.
Add "hypocrite" to your list of personality traits. - +1 y
Well that just goes to show how much you know me... NOT VERY MUCH!!! Yes, they are unattractive, and the attractive ones don't reject me for being fat, unhealthy in anyway, or anything like that. They deny me for being bald or not having a nice ass car or some dumb shit like that. Hell at least I admit to why I'm turning someone down, these dumb shallow pretentious bitches can't even do that!! Admit it, they have NO GOOD reason for rejecting me; I have Good reason for rejecting who I reject. THAT'S the difference no one on here including yourself is getting. Finally, I can BEFRIEND the fat girls and tell them how to get better at least. Do attractive girls do this for me? And I'm a hypocrite somehow? Yeah, get to know me before name calling Ms. ASSumer
- +1 y
If you're so confident in yourself & resistant to change... why did you ask this question?
- +1 y
Lmfao, god complex to boot. This is brilliant.
- +1 y
Because I wanna know if others feel the same!! Mainly guys of course, since I did ask "why do girls kick GUYS when we're still struggling?" There are also several online articles on this matter. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with a lack of confidence or resistance to change on my behalf. I'm just pointing out a major flaw in the majority of 'women' out there (a real woman in my book sticks by her man's side through thick and thin like they did back in the old days which is why they didn't divorce so much ;) ) today. They're gonna wanna reap my benefits that I worked so hard for after they left me high and dry back when I was busting tail for it. Not a good look.
- +1 y
Nobody needs to reap your benefits when we can go to college & get a good job for ourselves. I guess you just want a woman that bows down at your feet & does whatever you say.
- +1 y
Well if you all can go to college and get good jobs yourselves, then why the fuck you need me to do more than just pay for the dates, buy you gifts every once in a while, and hold my own? I'm sorry I can't pay your rent, buy you a Benz on ya Birthday, buy a pearl necklace for ya ass on Xmas, pay for ya nails and hair to get done and all this other shit. Yeah I'm so broke, I don't deserve you. (eyes roll)
- +1 y
I personally don't expect you to do all that but okay...
- +1 y
What do you think this was all about: "Several people in general have told me that once I start my medical career, women are going to be lined up to date me. But I wouldn't want to marry anyone who isn't longsuffering and patient; they obviously wouldn't be since they will have turned me down when I was broke and in school but then will only have me when I'm affluent and it's convenient for them. A real woman in my opinion should be by her man's side even when times are inconvenient. Maybe the lack of such longsuffering character is why divorce is so high these days, but that's for another discussion." ?
- +1 y
All I'm saying is that not all women are the same.
- +1 y
What does seem to be pretty constant with women though is the fact that the more attractive ones (by general consensus) are definitely pickier and the less attractive ones are less picky. That has got to be why the fat ones always come my way and never any girl who is slim and curvy. The fat ones ALWAYS have time and are never taken. But trust, if they were in Ms. Slim n' Curvy Bitch's body, it would be a WHOLE new story. And Vice versa.
- +1 y
Elliott Rodger was good looking AND rich and he still died a virgin.
Let that sink in for a minute.513 Reply- +1 y
Alright, so he couldn't get girls obviously, in spite of him being rich and good looking. Then why did they not like him? If it were a fucked up personality or attitude, well I don't have that. And if this 'rampage' included him purposely turning away women, then that WAS in fact by choice
- +1 y
My point is that your insulting generalizations of women not wanting you because you're not rich are bullshit.
Elliott Rodger was the son of the Hunger Games producer. If looks, status and money were the main issue in failing to get girls, this guy would be swimming in pussy.
I think it's exceptionally sad when a man reaches his mid 20s and still blames everyone but himself for his shortcomings.
The fact that you still hold this opinion speaks of an immature mindset. What you said dismisses all the couples, who got together regardless of wealth and even looks. You're essentially saying those of us who are in happy relationships based on love don't count.
The only thing in common in all your relationship attempts and pursuits is you. But it's never your fault, is it? It's always women obviously wanting money.
So mature and desirable. - +1 y
It's not that they don't want me because I'm not fucking rich!!! It's because I don't have a nice car, or I'm bald, some dumb shit like that. Don't have to be rich for that! What generalizations am I making? These are EXPERIENCES!!! Invariable experiences!! Ok, well if it isn't my lack of money or looks, then WHAT THE HELL IS IT? I'm a gentleman, I'm nice to girls, faithful, hardworking, have a bright future, show genuine interest, I'm modest, and all the other things I've been listing. See the difference between how I handle fat girls and how the slim bitches handle me is that I at least have the BALLS to tell her why I'm rejecting her and I do it nicely. These slim bitches are called 'bitches' for a couple reasons: they sometimes dont reject me very nicely at all AND they can't admit as to why they reject me because they know they're fucking shallow! Now can you explain to me this Ms. Philosopher Lady: why would fat girls like me more in the first place and not the slim ones?
- +1 y
From how you've been responding to everyone here, it sounds like you have mental and emotional issues lol.
- +1 y
I mean come on... all emotional/mental issues aside girl, Elliott Rodger? Pssssst... dumb ass example. EVERYONE can agree to that!! Then everyone getting me all fucked up and twisted without even getting to know me? Yeah, that WOULD piss someone off! Just quit ASSuming so much and jumping to conclusions.
- +1 y
Sure thing, snowflake. :3
- +1 y
Your charms know no end. /faints
- +1 y
Do you want a tissue?
Get some backbone to you, any woman could be suitable for you, just go fishing.12 Reply Your comment about only having luck with "the fat girls" tells me that you are not educated enough, at least not in the sense that just because a woman is "fat" she is not worth your time. Think about what you are saying.
411 Reply- +1 y
Here we fucking go!! Everyone is jumping all over my ass about fat girls!! This is NOT about fat girls!!! DAMN!!! Get over the fat girl part, and pay attention to what this is about!!! Now think about what YOU'RE saying... I've dated fat girls before! I couldn't get romantic with them. I'm well educated there, as far as dating experience with a variety of girls goes!!! So please quit ASSuming so much!!! Gosh, you folks are almost as bad as yahoo answerers with your thoughtless, narrow minded answers and bad grammar and spelling and all!!!
- +1 y
Confirmed asshole is confirmed.
- +1 y
Lol nobody is pissed at you here, just amused at your infantile whining.
Oh, and before you pull out your weak rebuttals of "wimminz never face rejection" - I've been flat out told to my face that I'm too ugly for them, when I approached men I fancied. I was told they weren't ready for a relationship, then the guy in question got with another girl 2 weeks later. I was told I would die alone, because I wasn't pretty enough.
So please, cry me a river. At least you haven't been told you'll never be a "proper" woman based on breast size. - +1 y
Infantile whining? Now you're just insulting me bitch. Yeah very fucking helpful. I'm distressed because these bitches on here are calling me an ass for no good reason, and you just find it irrefuckingsistable to poke a stick at me even more. Just like a damn bitch. I believe to the more comprehensive reader whom you quite frankly aren't would have gathered that I reject fat women; It's been indicated this WHOLE FUCKING TIME in my many statements as well as the opening question. No I've never received such commentary from the opposite sex as you did, but everyone's jumping all over my ass (the girls) for a topic that my question wasn't even a fucking bout!! Then to add injury to insult, you all ASSume your menstrual asses off like there's a damn special going on!!!
- +1 y
Gosh, you're so charming. There's literally no reason what so ever to think you're an ass. Lets just ignore your use of the word "bitch" over 9000 to anyone, who disagreed with you.
You can have my full set of soaked panties, stud. Take me, I'm yours. - +1 y
9000 to anyone? Apparently, you only looked at like 4 RATIONALLY, MATURELY speaking people. And regarding how you said you look, I don't think I'd want ANY of your panties, and probably no one else, each of us who would probably have a pretty easy time getting them. But no thank you.
- +1 y
Where exactly did I describe my looks? What do my looks have to do with your failures to get women?
I'm in a fantastic relationship with the most amazing man I've ever met, so there's literally no point in you bringing anything about myself into this conversation.
Does throwing a tantrum and calling me names relieve your stress over rejection? :P - +1 y
"I've been flat out told to my face that I'm too ugly for them, when I approached men I fancied. I was told they weren't ready for a relationship, then the guy in question got with another girl 2 weeks later. I was told I would die alone, because I wasn't pretty enough." Oh yeah, this doesn't indicate that you're ugly at all. Why the fuck would you even start at condescending me in the first place? You and some other bitch started name calling/condescending me first! Shit I never had a damn tantrum! I'm just letting you know about yourself, stepping at someone like that out of the clear blue. So damn disrespectful. You didn't have to tell me "You're shitting yourself, not acting like a "man". These are the whinings of an immature man child.". Like that's really damn comforting! It's like it was your goal to just piss someone off while they were venting and trying to get reasonable answers. I mean what are you trying to fucking say, men don't have feelings?
- +1 y
Sweetie, I'm not describing my looks there, I'm quoting what was said to me by some assholes when I was a teenager. Where exactly do you see me referring to myself as ugly?
Are you kidding, bruh? I'm fekin gorgeous.
When I see a guy that has made up his mind about an entire gender, I don't give out sound advice, because said male doesn't want any advice, he just wants asspats. You have already convinced yourself that your failures in dating is women's fault, so there's no point in taking you seriously.
Does it annoy you that when I got together with my boyfriend, he didn't even own a bicycle at the time? He lost his job shortly after too. But I stayed with him anyway, because shit happens. But that doesn't matter at all, because all yuz evil wimminz want is monaaay, right? - +1 y
So at least several men you've fancied called you too ugly for them and you're gorgeous? Gorgeous to whom? When the fuck did I make up my mind about an entire gender? I gave my theories and I'm asking for others' theories on these matters. And I don't get answers sometimes, sometimes I get some sort of reasonable answers, and sometimes I get ass hats like yourself who for no good reason at all just try to clown of folks. Do you really think that's some sort of help?
And it DOES in fact seem to me what most GOOD LOOKING girls want is money, popularity, secular shit like that. Sure you have your rare stories of girls sticking by through thick n thin, why the hell would they annoy me? But they're NOT common. Once again, MY experiences, first hand and what I've seen and heard from others. "But that doesn't matter at all, because all yuz evil wimminz want is monaaay, right?", again, WTF is this? Will your stupid ASS quit with this bullshit already?
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
"but it's funny how I seem to get all my luck from the fat girls... "
You sound asshole and thirsty.65 Reply- +1 y
Dumb bitch, do you know what thirsty means? Thirsty would mean that I would TAKE the fat girls. As I've said, I've dated them before and they're not for me. So what am I supposed to do, keep trying to date them like the ass everyone keeps calling me? y'all some duuuuuumb ass stupid bitches boy, DAMN!
- Opinion Owner+1 y
Asshole no wonder you are single, fat girls? Good thing they rejected you, who are you calling bitch?
- +1 y
I'm calling you a bitch, bitch. I told you and you know it! Yo young ass don't know any damn better anyway. Yeah I'm an asshole for being a hardworker, intelligent, holding doors and pulling out chairs, and buying her gifts for no reason as well as giving her good convo and all. EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME THEN!!! Yeah , I'm an ass! Maybe I should throw a chair at the bitch when she's pregnant with my child instead of taking care of them both. Will I be a good man in your eyes then?
- +1 y
She may just is a ratchet bee-ah-ch
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Rejection is a part of life. Learn to deal
62 Reply
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