I want to text a girl I haven't texted in over a little of 3 months?

long story short about 4 months ago I meant this chick online, we live in the same province, and she gave her number. We talk about for a month. During the time I spent texting her I sorta fell for her. We have a lot in common. However, we stopped texting each other and it's been 3 months. I've been busy with school and I'm finished my semester. Would it weird if I texted. I was think of saying a long the lines of hey it's been a while how you been? Or something like that. Any advice would help.

Also am I over thinking this I feel like it would weird me texting her after we haven't talked for about 3 months.
Text her
Don't text her
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I want to text a girl I haven't texted in over a little of 3 months?
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