Do girls like sarcastic boys?

Well, do they? I mean I feel like a sarcastic person and surrounding people admit it. I'm asking that is it a negative point? I mean not being sarcastic in dumber way, sarcasm of a better class! ( If someone tells you that they walk 5kms daily and you reply that your dog walks 10 perday, is no sarcasm).
No, I mean seriously, it seems that this trait of someone actually repel people and inspires them to maintain a good distance. People don't talk to you deeply because they afraid that they might say something stupid or some sentimental shit which they'd wish they hadn't said. So is it ok to be slightly sarcastic? Not all the time but like immune to some dumber statements ( actually sometimes even smart people like to make dumb statements; they find it fun)
I'm a boy. Now result.
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+1 y
I'd be delighted if under 18 girls or boys wouldn't try to make any comment.
+1 y
Because you've always had conversation with roadside faggots with no knowledge of language and literature doesn't mean sarcasm is funny. So don't mistake 'sarcastic' with someone having nice database of jokes.
Do girls like sarcastic boys?
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