Am I being friend zoned or does she actually have some feelings for me and isn't sure yet?

I've known this girl for a few months and we get along really well. I have had a crush on her and she recently called me out on it. Asked me about my crush and i decided to just confess my feelings. She says she has known i had a crush ever since she knew me because she overheard a conversation with me and my friend.
The next day, i asked her how she felt about me and she told me she likes me too but she isn't looking for anything right now. She said she has issues with this other guy... she likes him but told me she would never date him because he's a fuckbou and he doesn't even give her the time of day. She said she wants to hang out and still talk to me though.
When im with her, she will play around with me like steal my phone, or hit my butt, or tease me about liking her or missing her. She hangs out with me a lot as well.

Does this mean that she isn't interested in me at all and only wants to be friends?

I just dont really understand. Me and her have never really gone out on a date but at this point, im not even sure if i should ask her out. Im just really confused about her feelings for me.

She likes you, but isn't sure yet about being in a relationship with you.
She just want to be friends.
She may like you, ask her out. She needs to see more.
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+1 y
Ever since all of this has happened. She is around me so much more.
We have gone out to eat, we flirt openly, we walk together to classes.
Am I being friend zoned or does she actually have some feelings for me and isn't sure yet?
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