Should I wish my ex happy birthday?

We broke up last year. Yes an entire year ago and we had only talked once since then. We ended pretty much as if we had never been together. No goodbye, no reason, he just disappeared. Even though I did eventually get my explaination I never felt like the breakup was official because it wasn't. 2 months after he ghosted me he told me the reason but thibgs never went back to being the same. We both just left things in the shithole, neither of us attempted to mend what was left of the relationship between us and even though I loved him and he did give a heartfelt apology (tears and all) we never became friends again. Everything went down the drain and I did get over it eventually. So we did not talk. But today was his birthday. I had been kind of thinking about him throughout the week because I knew his birthday was approaching. I fb stalked him today (I'm ashamed😭) and to my surprise the only person who had made a post about him or said "happy birthday" to him at all was his mom. Part of me was thinking "hell, maybe his new girlfriend told him happy birthday!" (Idk if he has a girlfriend or not). My second thought was that he and I were more than friends at one point and he had always expressed to me how unimportant he felt especially on his birthday. I wonder would it be so bad to tell him happy birthday? Or should I stay in my lane and just leave things where they left off and forget it.
Should I wish my ex happy birthday?
7 Opinion