How do I ask out a shy engineering-type guy without scaring him away?

Little background...

So me and my other good friends happen to be all nerdy engineers, so none of us really have a love life. I know people talk to each other about love life, but to us, that doesn't exist so we just never bring it up, and when it's brought up it's like a huge deal.

It so happens that I'm crushing on one of the guy in this group of friends. I'm pretty sure he likes me, or at least interested in me. We moved to different cities after graduation from college, but kept in touch and now I'm moving to his city. I'm going for a weekend visit to his city to scope out the location, and also to meet up with him. So when I told him that my plan is final and that I will be in town with all weekend free, he was like, "we gotta hang out!" and all excited. I know he's excited, and I guess I want to let him know that I really care about him when I see him, because he's been there for me through thick and thin even though he wasn't physically around. He just made sure that I was okay and all. So yeah, I like him and I'd like to date him eventually.

Problem is, he's very shy and proper and polite (in general) so I'm afraid if I told him all that, it might scare him away...but I really like him and want to be with him. Also, this is coming from someone who's not into feelings and relationship-y stuff, so it's kinda big deal for me too, and I don't want to mess it up.

Thanks...and sorry it's long.
How do I ask out a shy engineering-type guy without scaring him away?
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