Why do girls always put their butts in the sink?

Do they like to shit in the sink?
Why do girls always put their butts in the sink?
Why do girls always put their butts in the sink?
They shit in the sink
They are too lazy to pose in a sexy manner “ahh i’ll just park my ass in this sink that’s hot”
Im a girl and i stick my butt in the sink let me explain
Im a girl/guy and i have no clue
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+1 y
Since when is a sink a butt perch?
+1 y
Clean your turd streaks off the porcelain ladies
+1 y
‘It makes our butts look bigger’
Well girls i hope you got a port-o-sink handy when your man is around he gunna find out wut your butt really be like some day
Why do girls always put their butts in the sink?
16 Opinion