So we’ve had masks due to covid for a while now, I am a young girl in college working at my part time job although it doesn’t seem so part time considering they’re very understaffed and I’m working over 38 hours a week lol but anyways I am 22. Working at a restaurant as a server. I am actually very fine at this point with wearing the mask. I haven’t been vaccinated yet but I feel there’s some weird sort of satisfaction with wearing a mask because people who are rude to you, your face hides your RBF lol so I personally wanna wear it at work. Everyone I work with is normal and nice like no issues or weird vibes but this one girl I swear is so weird. Our masks have been required and so a couple weeks ago it was her and I working together and it was a very busy shift and she sees me busy and just asks me randomly to pull down my mask. Like it was very awkward I was like ok? So I pulled down my mask and she just stared at my face, no real comment. It was very odd. I just said whatever and went on with what I was doing. it’s been about 2 weeks since that and she randomly told another coworker who is actually my friend and told them “I haven’t seen _____ face. (Referring to mine) I’ve seen everyone else’s though” and she did see my face? Regardless it’s stupid but it just makes me feel really weird as to why she’s so persistent and sus about seeing me without a mask. It makes me feel kinda insecure like she’s judging me? I don't know. And so anyway masks were no longer required at my job as of last night but I found out I may have strep so I still came into work today bc management sucks and didn’t listen to me days ago when I told them I may be sick so I had my mask for that reason and the same girl was there basically yelling at me to take off my mask and masks aren’t required anymore. She was like demanding I take it off. I then said I think I have strep. They sent me home and now this girl is saying I’m lying about being sick. Is she being sus or no?
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