Should I sue her?

So 2 weeks ago I was walking with one good friend when suddenly we saw this shy looking guy around our age with glasses sitting talking with a girl.

My friend wanted to mess with him so he took his beanie and we started throwing it around and he couldn't catch us. Well this girl stands up and comes up to me, I thought she was going for the beanie so I throw it back to my friend and instead she keeps her route and kicks me super hard in the beans. I fell down clutching my groin, I've taken hits to the jewels but nothing quite like that, it was so embarrassing I swear and she had those winter boots. I spent maybe a good 20 minutes on the ground, it's like she was some black belt (she probably was by the soreness my balls Still have almost 3 weeks later and the precision, strength and speed or her kick).

It was a bus stop and some other people saw me and it felt so agonishing. Not to mention my friend got away with no consequences despite having the idea first.

Should I sue the girl? Do I have grounds for something there? I did nothing to her, why did she do this, this pain will forever stay in my mind
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Should I sue her?
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