Mark 4:24 (Why girls can't find husbands)?

"With the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and even more will be added to you."
- the sole reason -

This quotation from the Bible used to seem ridiculous to everyone, yet how true it is when reduced to its concrete meaning.

Yes, "to her that bath shall be given!" If she "hath" failure, lack of self-confidence, hatred or lack of self-control, to her shall theses qualities be given in still greater abundance! But, if she "hath" success, self-confidence, self-control, patience, persistence and determination, to her shall these qualities be increased.

This is founded on the Law of sowing and reaping or better known today as the Law of cause and effect.

"The Divine Economy is automatic and very simple: we receive only that which we give."
And may I add we mostly give WHAT WE ARE!

Mark 4:24 (Why girls can't find husbands)?
6 Opinion