When my car has trouble starting, I have this embarrassing habit of bouncing in my seat. I don't know why I do. Why do I do this?

So, I can't buy a new car right now cause I can't afford it. I'm halfway done with HS and I do love my car. It's a classic from 1982. I haven't had it for long.

Sometimes I have a hard time getting it started and I don't know why but it makes me feel super anxious and embarrassed! I didn't realize it at first, but my friend pointed out I have this habit now of bouncing up and down in my seat while I'm cranking it and trying to turn it over... I'm even more embarrassed by this and my dad has gotten on my face about it. My friend says it's not appropriate and so does my dad. My friend insists I'm trying to show off my boobs (I am not! I swear!)

I know I probably sound stupid but I wanna break this habit but half the time I don't even realize I'm doing it! I've had the car looked at my a mechanic already. What can I do to stop bouncing? Please. Why am I doing this?
When my car has trouble starting, I have this embarrassing habit of bouncing in my seat. I don't know why I do. Why do I do this?
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