Maybe I'm stupid but it's going well, right?

I am definitely overthinking most of this, it's just the way I am.

I recently went out with one of my newer friends since we're at the same international school for adults.

She always made an effort to say hi to me and was one of the people that helped me settle in when everything was scary in the beginning.

I noticed that she'd always accidentally brush up against me or giggle around me.
She approached me to ask for my contact information, saying that she wants to talk to me more.

We went out together last weekend, it was my idea of a way to show my appreciation for her kindness as well as get to know her.

We had some drinks and talked about ourselves, future dreams and etc. We had a lot of fun and it felt great walking around together, guiding her with my hand on her back occasionally.

Going down into the subway, she was on the escalator above me and grabbed both my shoulders from behind, proclaiming "I'm having so much fun!".

I made sure she was getting the correct train before saying goodbye but before we parted ways, she grabbed my wrist for a time.

We gazed at each other for a moment before going our separate ways, I certainly felt something in that moment.

She's super cute and she asked me to go out with her again this coming weekend.
Beyond that we don't really talk much over text, which is fine.

A couple of times she asked if I wanted to bring any friends, so I told her I'd prefer it to just be us two.
To which she replied, no problem she just thought she'd ask but that she's looking forward to seeing me.

I guess that last part tripped me up a bit. Sometimes I get mixed feelings. I was thinking maybe she doesn't want it to be a date or maybe she's trying to confirm I want to see her one on one?
Maybe I'm stupid but it's going well, right?
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