Should I feel guilty?


backstory; i had a friend that i’ve known since elementary school and we’ve been through everything. so many fights and arguments but we would always be good at the end of the day. this year (senior year) i’ve noticed she changed. the school year she would text back quickly, visited me in my classes for fun, hung out with me. but then she started getting into drugs. at first i didn’t really mind it because one, it’s none of my business and two, a lot of people our age did it too. but then it started getting worse, to the point where she’d always get sick, throw up, lose her voice, etc. i’d always suggested that she took a weeks worth of break, just so her body could go back to normal. but she would agree and suggest that she would do something else like “yeah i’ll just take edibles for now as a break”. anyway, the entire year i felt like the friendship started to get one sided. anytime i called her, she would immediately decline or answer and say she’s at a friends house, offer to call me back (and never did). if i’m being honest, i think she’s only ever called me 2 times the entire year. she never sat with me during lunch, unless her friends were something. she would text me back a few weeks later, but i knew she would get my texts. i didn't know what to think because it was clear signs she didn’t want to be friends but at the same time whenever we called each other, it didn’t seem like she was bothered or had a problem with me. but i still felt unwanted and i should’ve stopped being friends with her from the jump. i kinda accepted her like that and then summer came. the entire summer she had nothing to do. no job, no activities. and the same thing happened, texting back weeks later or acting distant. everytime i would mention it to her, she would be quiet or she would say that she was busy. so i just blocked her, but i feel bad for it. is that normal to feel bad?

Should I feel guilty?
6 Opinion