Why would a shy girl try to avoid talking to you when she likes you?


If this girl is shy, why would she all of sudden tries her best to ignore you?

When she rejects you, Why would she still be looking at you from a distance?

When she tries to avoid you, Why would she be reacting on a angry tone (or a bad mood) only to you?


This girl I've met for 5 months, she isn't barely sociable with anyone (likes to be on her phone the entire time) and yet she's the one who originally initiated the conversation with me. But after a while she just sighted out of nowhere and she's stared to talk on a angry tone/rude (like if I talk to her, it's automatically a bad mood for her).

She has shown signs of playing with her hair, getting close (in proximity), was the first one to break the touch barrier, wanted to know more about me, she even said "it don't mind" when I'm talking to her or whenever tried to touch her (barely and on a friendly way).

She also has said that she hasn't gone to a place (she only has told that to me), example goes like this:

Me: Do you know (A theme park)

Her: Yeah

Me: I've went there 2 months ago

Her: I haven't gone to (A theme park)

Me: Oh, I've been there a few times, it's really good

Her: I haven't even tried (a smoothie that sells in that park) that they sell over there.

Me: The (name of the smoothie) is a little bit misleading but they say its really good.

Her: That's good

Me: Also I went to (a walk park)

Her: I haven't gone to (a walk park) since little

Me: I it's really nice, I like it

Then we were interrupted and the conversation was left there. After a few weeks I tried to see if she wanted to go to that Theme Park but she pretended to not remember any of the conversation and flat out rejected it (she even made it look like I made it up).

She said: "I'm good" after asking her to go to that specific part that she hasn't been since she was a kid.

Why would a shy girl try to avoid talking to you when she likes you?
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