Is toxic femininity a thing?

To preface, I'm not a woman hater, I never thought I'd even make a post like this, and this is not a jab at women in general but rather an observation of a predominant cultural tendency (which isn't necessarily condoned by the majority of women).

I'm sure we're all familiar with the cliche of men checking women out in public and it being seen as a negative thing (and I'm not necessarily stating otherwise, it can certainly be done in an inappropriate or discomforting way). But this is something I've internalized pretty deeply at this point. It feels normal. Or at least it used to.

Some time ago I vented my frustrations by anonymously posting online about my sexual attraction to an unsuspecting and unconventional body part that is commonly exposed in the summer time.

A girl responded and asked me what it was and when I told her, she responded with something along the lines of "oh you poor thing! Those are everywhere!" and it was just not the response I was expecting at all.

I was expecting a response like "they're not doing it for you," "then don't look," or "that's creepish." But she didn't. She responded with compassion and consideration. Rather than being on the offense, it's like she put herself in my shoes and sympathized with me. And in that moment it just kind of occured to me that THAT was the natural response, yet it seems to be an uncommon response. Rather than looking down upon me for finding what women commonly expose as sexually gratifying, she was understanding of how it could make me feel, how frustrating it can be at times. And I think it's really sad that I found this basic act of kindness to be refreshing.

My mind having been recalibrated with what normal is, or should be, I wonder why have we gotten to such a toxic state regarding male attraction? Have we gone overboard? What're your opinions?
Is toxic femininity a thing?
Is toxic femininity a thing?
6 Opinion