Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. It's because they're well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?

So. I previously posted if the main reason why the ladies are always more together in the downtown core is because of safety due off the spread of sexual hasslements and inappropriate matters.

Now, for this post. Want to focus if the guys who are friends of yours giving you the support and respect in being appropriately courteous and astoundingly polite 🤔

Guys can give your opinions to 😊
Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. Its because theyre well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?
Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. Its because theyre well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?
Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. Its because theyre well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?
Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. Its because theyre well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?
Ladies. You have tons of guy friends. It's because they're well-behaved, good manners, great tremendous personal traits. Etc?
5 Opinion