Why are women terrified of accidentally cutting their babies fingers but feel no remorse circumcizing them?

Why are women terrified of accidentally cutting their babies fingers but feel no remorse circumcizing them?

I thought circumsizion was one of the most inhuman things anyone can do to an newborn child.

obviously not only are you taking away something the boy is literally born with and needs to function but this is a painful ass procedure as well, all for fucking nothing! since after all there are still no concrete evidence that circumsizion prevents infection and STD/STIs, etc. its not like these things were ever that common either way.

till then I find ironic how so many women are terrified of hurting their baby when they are clipping their nales, bathing them, etc. yet feel no guilt/remorse when it comes to circumcizing their child. where the hell are the maternal instincts on that?

PS: by the way, vaginal infection is far more common than penis infection, so why aren't women not getting circumsized? what makes them so special that they actually make soap specially designed for them?

Why are women terrified of accidentally cutting their babies fingers but feel no remorse circumcizing them?
Why are women terrified of accidentally cutting their babies fingers but feel no remorse circumcizing them?
13 Opinion