Girls, How do I deal with my girlfriend saying mean things unintentionally?


Me (23M) and my girlfriend (27F) have been dating officially for around two weeks, and have been going out for almost two months. Before we met, I recently ended a two year relationship that resulted in me being cheated on, and discovering it through social media posts of my ex and the man they cheated with together (for context, it gave me a lot of trauma and trust issues considering how much my ex told me she would never do such a thing, and how she’d been cheated on before) In these two months, we have formed an intense bond together. She’s been single (many almost relationships but a man has never committed until me) since she was 18, and I am technically her first boyfriend. She has told me many things about herself she has never told anyone before, and taken many steps she’s never done for a man before (posting on her social media, sharing her location through GPS app, telling her parents and friends). I find her extremely sweet and genuine and I don’t know how a man has never given her this commitment that I am giving her before. However, when she’s hungry or tired, or sometimes when she’s just normal, she has a tendency to say hurtful or mean things without realizing until later. She’s been single for so long, she has never had to take another persons emotion into consideration, which I understand. But sometimes it is still hurtful to hear. The other day she said she found it stressful to be my girlfriend after years of being single, because now she feels she has to answer my texts and hang with me, instead of enjoying alone time, or ignoring men like she used to. And this morning after a sleepless night due to my snoring I recently developed, she said for the first time in our relationship she misses her own bed and thinks the snoring might cause us to break up if I don’t fix it, even after all we have been through in a short amount of time. She later apologized for these and realized they were not right to say. What do I say to her about this?

Girls, How do I deal with my girlfriend saying mean things unintentionally?
3 Opinion