Why do men honestly think they have a say over a woman's abortion or not when 95% of men think the only risk is childbirth?


This is something men will NEVER, even if they live to be 150 years old, understand. Most men think pregnancy is a bit of backpain, getting "fat", & endless hours trying to give birth.


Pregnancy is a potentially dangerous event women undergo for 9 constant months.

Not just during childbirth itself is dangerous.

Preeclampsia which can & often does cause LIFE-LONG reprcussions
Blood clots = stroke, heartattack, etc. some women have increased risk after for life
Gestational trophoblastic disease - a type of CANCER
Placental complications - ALL of which are not fun, if not high potential for fataility

And a few serious, oftentimes life threatening or life-long, more complications.


It's been proven, by electrode machines, that men can't even handle childbirth which is, in many ways, the EASIEST aspect of the whole 9 months given the drugs, etc. used nowadays

So whyyyy do men really think they have a say in a woman's abortion or not?

Why do men honestly think they have a say over a woman's abortion or not when 95% of men think the only risk is childbirth?
1 Opinion