Why do women who have bad relationships always put all men in the same basket and hate men?


Honestly I have seen more and more women who have come from broken relationships and then come back and say "All men this", "All men that" etc... I really feel sorry for those girls and wish that they had the audacity to see the bad men from the good men. Who do you blame the girl would love's abusive men or the girl who keeps going back to abusive men?

Have you considered that the man was good but you the "Woman" who was causing all the issue's in the first place and don't want to take responsibility for your actions so all you do is find an excuse to bad mouth all men and lump them all in one basket. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Lots of good women out there but in todays world it's harder and harder to find equal ground.

Why do women who have bad relationships always put all men in the same basket and hate men?
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