Noticed this girl added me on social media after a long delay in deciding?


i'm not exactly sure when i first requested but a while ago, had followed her on my old instagram account but it stopped working in 2022 and she changed her settings to private so i had to request to follow on new account.

oddly i noticed a post from her on my feed last night so clicked on her profile and it said i was following her so she must of accepted my request recently and i just didn't notice.

not sure when i first noticed her online but i've been interested in her for a while. never sent her any messages before. also noticed that since i last saw her profile she's gotten a tattoo on her side which i really liked. the picture was actually posted by the tattoo artist so if i like it she might not even notice unless i like say something directly to her

also recall that she had a long time boyfriend back when i first followed her but he appears to be gone as all pictures of him have been deleted from her profile so she appears to be single

have no idea why she'd suddenly accept my request to follow after having sat on it for some time , we have not actually meet in person although i have been to her hometown and new city she lives in now many times

also note in her home i have relatives with the same last name , its possible she though i was someone she knew from there maybe or knows i've been there maybe?

Noticed this girl added me on social media after a long delay in deciding?
2 Opinion