Do you think my coworker is just being nice to me or do you think he was into me?


We got really close a few years back to the point where he added me on all social media, he would like my photos, text me after work about random stuff, send me funny photos etc. He would compliment me a lot on my work while at work in meetings, my looks, my body and my photography I do on the side. He was always just so nice to me and we got on great!

I would always catch him looking at me, he was very touchy, would tease each other about silly things and he was very protective of me at work. He told me I was good looking, liked my outfits, said I was talented.

At our office parties he always sits next to me and one time when he was drunk he told me he liked me and that I was sexy and said he couldn’t understand why I was single.

Then he got back with his ex. And she moved in with him. He told me she doesn’t like social media so he deleted everything and stopped messaging me and he became a bit distant. I understood and gave him some space.

A few months went by, he stopped me in our office car park when I was leaving one night and out of the blue he told me he hopes I find someone nice because I deserve a good guy and he patted me on the shoulder and walked away. I didn’t say anything.

After that he became more distant and this was a year ago until recently…

He’s started talking to me more at work again and having a laugh/teasing with me. He comes by my desk just to chat.
I had some drama with a girl at work who was being really rude to me and he stuck up for me. Since then it’s been like old times.

I had trouble with my car last week and I didn’t even ask him for help but he came to help me.

I bought him chocolates to say thanks and the next day I noticed he had left a few on my desk and when I saw him he said he remembered which ones were my favourite.

He wrote me a list of movie recommendations because we like a lot of the same shows.

Do you think he’s just being friendly? He is 14 years older than me - so never knew if he’s being nice or into me?

Do you think my coworker is just being nice to me or do you think he was into me?
3 Opinion