She has a boyfriend but hits on me?

I have a close work friend. We’re both bi girls. She’s touched my shoulder while talking and once we were talking about veins and she traced her finger up my veins. We had a joking argument and she stared at me smirking and kept lingering.
She’ll stay after her shift to talk to me.
I had a grad party and invited her and I got drunk and kissed her. She was thrown off for a sec but we made out 4x. My ex was there and said we were both into it.
The day after my friend said it was platonic and that I was drunk and celebrating. she's mentioned in the past she’s made out with friends and flirted. We told our other coworker she freaked out but then said she wasn’t surprised we made out. After the kiss it was awkward for me and my friend said it wasn’t awkward. We laugh about that night now though and I was like “yeah we kissed and it didn’t mean anything” and my friend told me to keep my voice down and then was like “well… “ and was smirking.
On a day off from her other job she stayed two hours after her shift to talk to me and said it was because of me and was like “it’s because I miss you”.
I have a crush on this lesbian from my college. Once my friend told me about her trip and we started talking about lesbians and I mentioned my crush and my friend was like “I’m going to California in 3 months with friends and had a new years kiss”. she's also told me I’m very very cute when I talk about my lesbian crush.
She has a boyfriend in music and that’s what my friend wants to do and she said she might want an open relationship with him but she talks about him and visits. And has said she previously cut him off because she wanted to explore women.
She mentions how I’m also exploring women.
She touches me randomly. Like my arm or something to get me to move over and stands in my personal space. We also joke and laugh lot. Also we talk about our trauma and past and stuff. I called her out for being snappy and she was like “no I’m sorry. You did nothing wrong. I love you, amber.”
She has a boyfriend but hits on me?
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