Why would 20s women glance at me when I'm just out in public?

For example I'll be sitting there, eating food and I'll notice every now and again I'm being glanced by, sure, attractive, 20s aged women. I don't mean glances like "checking surrounds" I mean more like, stare-bears. 👀🐻 I'm not sure whether to feel flattered, feel amused or bemused, or feel like "am I being looked at for interest or looked at for odd/ugly judges" lol from these women. I'm not necessarily complaining, just like, a) I'm 30 and b) "lady, don't you have a boyfriend, who's probably 20s, lol?" Ah well. If only they could read my mind my eyes lol from afar as I'm just sitting eating my meal in a food public or just going about my mall chores
They're attracted to you
They're repulsed by you
They're just looking like they do at any, man. 😅
Thats a good question, why are they glance/staring, it's a bit odd
Maybe you dress like your dirt poor, ha , 😉🤣
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Why would 20s women glance at me when I'm just out in public?
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