How do I know if she is interested in me more than as a friend?

So long story short is that I have this friend that I grew incredibly close with a few years ago. It got to the point where she sent me nudes and when I asked if it was okay for me to look at them (I know, stupid of me to ask) she said "I thought you wanted to be more than friends?" To which I said I do, but nothing more ever happened. Later on I asked her on a date and she said that she wasn't looking for a relationship because she wants to focus on herself and her daughter. She's told me about people who she's gone out with and THEY thought it was a date, but she would tell them it wasn't.

Cut to like last year maybe, we were at an ice cream shop and the topic of relationships came up and I asked her when her last one was. She said NON serious was with an on and off thing with this guy, but he had a lot of mental health issues. I don't know if she was talking about me? I say that because I'm on some medication for depression and anxiety and I kind of showed my needy side when we were growing close. Her last serious relationship was with her daughters' father which was years ago

We recently started hanging out again and there's a lot of staring, smiling, laughing, her punching my arm, etc. and she's even suggested us hanging out next weekend or me and her going on a walk one day. I feel like that's a good sign. But I'm just really confused right now. I asked another friend and she said "I think you should give it time because she clearly likes you", but I genuinely don't know how she feels about me? So I was wondering, from what I've explained does it sound like she's interested in me? Or are there some signs I should look out for to know if she is interested in me? Thank you!

19 d
Also She told me that she has a new job that starts today. Should I ask her how her first day went since that'll show that I'm thinking about here?
How do I know if she is interested in me more than as a friend?
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