Is the term "sloppy seconds" being phased out?

Well for those who don't know what that means, its a sexual/dating term for saying your getting someone who was already "deflowered".

In a lot of music today, people say things like this " I hook up with this girl then I pass her on to my best friend", Kinda trying to make it a positive thing.

Then again , One of my friends was excited about this mutual friend who he finally hooked up with, then he asked about if I had did anything with her, I told him and then he was like "oh well". He took it better then I originally planned, but I was wondering, does the term mean anything anymore?

Whats your opinion?
Yeah it is
UGH! Its gross.
Well...if you're not first, You're last.
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Is the term "sloppy seconds" being phased out?
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