Just Because You Smoke Doesn't Mean You're Gonna Die

Just Because You Smoke Doesn't Mean You're Gonna Die

I hate when people say that if you smoke you're gunna die. That's not completely true, I mean sure smokers have more of a chance of dying, getting cancer then non smokers. But that doesn't mean that if you smoke you're just gunna die.

I come from a family of smokers. We don't smoke 24/7 or nothing, but we enjoy a smoke every now and then.

And none of my family members died because of smoking. My grandpa has been smoking all his life, and he's still healthy. I for one don't smoke so much, because I'm underage, but on certain family gatherings or parties I'll sneak a smoke.

What I'm trying to say is just because you smoke doesn't necessarily mean you're gunna die. People die from natural causes and other things all the time.


Just Because You Smoke Doesn't Mean You're Gonna Die
Post Opinion