Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

Men will only treat you the way that you allow them to.

As much as we want to believe every guy out there has good intentions, that wouldn't be realistic thinking.

Some guys only have their own interest at heart.

Some men will manipulate, lie, and cheat you out of possessions to get what they want.

You have to be aware and alert to notice these things or they will fly right over your head.

If you are treated in an undesirable way, figure out what you are doing to reinforce, elicit or allow that treatment.

The only way things will get better is if you recognize where you went wrong and take

preventive measures from doing so in the future.


1. Sex will not make him stay!

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.

Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

You feel that your boyfriend is straying because you haven't had sex with him yet.

Do not think that giving your body to him, will make him feel any differently than he did before.

A man that truly loves you doesn't have to be bribed or convinced into sticking around.

He will already know the treasure that he has and will respect your decision to wait.

There are many women that give it up to their men on a regular basis,

only to get cheated on.

So, what does that tell you?

Does giving your boyfriend sex before you are ready really make a difference?

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

In your mind,

somehow you believe that sex with your boyfriend will draw you two

closer together.

Yes, sex has the ability to do that.

But that is only if both people are at the same emotional/mental stage.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

2. Persuasion

Some men will go to extreme lengths to get what they want.

They may act as if you're the only girl for them, just to get it.

Some men will beg you, and try to peer pressure you into moving forward with them.

A man that respects you, will accept your choice (not to give it up).

He will not insist that you follow his lead instead.

Someone that cannot enjoy your company without it being sex of all of the time,

doesn't truly care for you as a individual.

Someone that values you will place a high amount in your mind, instead

of always focusing on your body.

Sex should be a bonus that adds to the greatness,

that already exists in a relationship.

It shouldn't be looked at as an obligation to keep someone happy that never was in the first place.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

3. Interaction will not be just a one way street

Interactions will instead be a two way street.

Your guy of choice will show with his actions that he enjoys your company,

as much as you enjoy his.

Even when the both of you are not together,

on his own (without you always having to do so first),

he will reach out to you.

If you have to be the one to always initate contact, that shows that your guy of choice

doesn't have much interest in you to begin with.

No one is ever too busy to briefly wish someone well or to check in.

If he's using that excuse don't buy it!

A relationship in development should take two people giving it their all.

There should be a healthy balance on both ends.

Both people should be trying to reach out to eachother.

All of the efforts to keep contact should not be held on one person.

You do not want someone that only acts like you matter when it's on his time.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

4. Don't get wasted with this person

This most definitely can apply to people that are newly dating each other.

We all know that mood altering substances (such as alcohol or drugs) can impair decision making.

Since, you know that beforehand

if you intend to use any of those substances with your guy of choice,

limit yourself.

Do not go overboard.

If you don't know what 4 drinks will do to you.

Now is not the time to experiment.

If you've never had a drug before...

Now is not the time to start.

You don't want to get to a point where you no longer have control and regret

doing something

you wouldn't have done otherwise (if you were sober.)

If you do choose to drink,

do so in moderation.

Drink a little and then let some time pass by,

see how that alcoholic beverage effects you before continuing.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

5. Do not become a human ATM machine

A. Bailing him out of financial problems.

Sure, it's great to help your partner out in times of need.

But if he is consistently coming to you all of the time with his financial problems,

then you have to question your relationship.

Someone that truly loves you isn't going to want to keep taking, taking, taking from you.

They're going to want to build a life with you.

They're going to want to save and invest, so you both can build a better future together

If the guy of your choice is always coming to you with money problems

and you're always having to bail him out,

then this isn't a good sign.

Like I said previously,

a healthy relationship consists of balance on both ends.

You both should be helping each other out and gaining from the other person.

You should not be standing in a corner by yourself having to lift heavy weights.

If you keep giving and giving to this guy,

to no one's surprise will you find yourself

in the same situation that he desperately "needed your help to get out of"

Is that really what you want?

To give, give, give and have nothing left?

A real man can stand on his own two feet.

B. Always the one to pay

If you're the one who literally has to pay for everything, all of the time in your relationship,

then chances are he is using you.

Your guy might not necessarily have a financial problem, but he doesn't seem

to ever offer to do anything nice for you.

He's enjoying living off of everything you have provided him with.

Often times, it seems as if he takes the kind things you have done for granted.

6. He wants what he wants

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!

Take the "H" out of the word "He" and replace that with a W.

A relationship should always revolve around the word "We".

"It should be about what we want, the both of us."

You find that talking to your guy of choice is like talking to a brick wall.

You constantly voice your wants and needs,

but every single time he falls short of them.

Lets look at the practicality,

Your needs aren't out of reach,

they are very attainable.

He just chooses not to recognize its importance.

He only feels passionate about needs and wants pertaining to himself.

Your guy of choice's cup is full while yours is empty.

His actions does not show any indication that you matter to him.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!



Don't allow yourself to be used!

Look at all of the signs that are there and don't ignore them.

I know that when you emotionally involve yourself these things that remain so blatant to an

outsiders eyes seem dim, but please don't allow yourself to be blinded!

On the flip side,

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!


I know you can be used as well.

We can't control what happens to us in this life, but what we can do is

recognize a problem, and solve it before it becomes bigger than yourself.

Take action!

Don't silence yourself!

You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.

Ladies, Don't Allow Men To Use You!
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